Applicant: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Inventor: Darren Roy Link , Michael L. Samuels
IPC: B01L3/00 , G01N21/64 , B01J19/00 , C40B40/04 , C40B50/08 , C40B60/10 , G01N33/50 , C12Q1/6851 , B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F33/3011 , C12Q1/25 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q1/6818 , C12Q1/6827 , G01N33/542 , G01N33/573 , G01N33/58 , B01L7/00
CPC classification number: G01N21/6445 , B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F25/4336 , B01F33/3011 , B01J19/0046 , B01L3/502761 , C12Q1/25 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q1/6818 , C12Q1/6827 , C12Q1/6851 , C40B40/04 , C40B50/08 , C40B60/10 , G01N33/5008 , G01N33/542 , G01N33/573 , G01N33/582 , B01J2219/0059 , B01J2219/0065 , B01J2219/0072 , B01J2219/0074 , B01J2219/00286 , B01J2219/00351 , B01J2219/00418 , B01J2219/00479 , B01J2219/00576 , B01J2219/00585 , B01J2219/00592 , B01J2219/00599 , B01J2219/00657 , B01J2219/00664 , B01J2219/00702 , B01J2219/00722 , B01J2219/00743 , B01L7/52 , B01L2200/027 , B01L2300/0636 , B01L2300/0645 , B01L2300/0654 , B01L2300/0681 , B01L2300/0864 , B01L2300/0867 , B01L2400/0415 , B01L2400/0487 , G01N21/6428 , G01N2500/00 , C12Q1/6827 , C12Q2537/161 , C12Q2563/125 , C12Q2563/131 , C12Q2563/159 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q2537/161 , C12Q2563/125 , C12Q2563/159 , C12Q1/6851 , C12Q2563/159 , C12Q2561/113 , C12Q2565/1015
Abstract: The invention generally relates to methods for quantifying an amount of enzyme molecules. Systems and methods of the invention are provided for measuring an amount of target by forming a plurality of fluid partitions, a subset of which include the target, performing an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in the subset, and detecting the number of partitions in the sunset. The amount of target can be determined based on the detected number.
Inventor: Andrew David Griffiths , David A. Weitz , Darren Roy Link , Keunho Ahn , Jerome Bibette
IPC: C40B40/08 , B01J19/00 , B01L3/00 , B82Y10/00 , B82Y30/00 , C07K1/04 , C40B40/10 , B01F25/433 , B01F33/302 , B01F33/3031 , B01J13/02
CPC classification number: C40B40/08 , B01J19/0046 , B01L3/5025 , B01L3/502761 , B01L3/502784 , B82Y10/00 , B82Y30/00 , C07K1/047 , C40B40/10 , B01F25/433 , B01F25/4331 , B01F25/4338 , B01F33/3021 , B01F33/3031 , H05K999/99 , B01J13/025 , B01L3/5027 , B01J2219/00497 , B01J2219/005 , B01J2219/00576 , B01J2219/00585 , B01J2219/00596 , B01J2219/00599 , B01J2219/00707 , B01J2219/00722 , B01J2219/00725 , B01J2219/00743 , B01J2219/00853 , B01J2219/0086 , B01J2219/00889 , B01L3/50273 , B01L3/502746 , B01L2200/0605 , B01L2200/0673 , B01L2300/0864 , B01L2300/0867 , B01L2400/0406 , B01L2400/0415 , B01L2400/0487 , B01L2400/084 , C40B40/06
Abstract: The invention describes a method for the synthesis of compounds comprising the steps of: (a) compartmentalising two or more sets of primary compounds into microcapsules; such that a proportion of the microcapsules contains two or more compounds; and (b) forming secondary compounds in the microcapsules by chemical reactions between primary compounds from different sets; wherein one or both of steps (a) and (b) is performed under microfluidic control; preferably electronic microfluidic control The invention further allows for the identification of compounds which bind to a target component of a biochemical system or modulate the activity of the target, and which is co-compartmentalised into the microcapsules.
Inventor: Darren Roy LINK , John Brian HUTCHISON , Michael L. SAMUELS , Michael WEINER
IPC: B01F23/41 , C40B50/08 , G01N33/50 , C40B40/04 , B01J19/00 , B01F25/433 , G01N15/14 , B01L3/00 , B01F33/3011 , B01L7/00 , B01F101/23 , G01N15/10
CPC classification number: B01F23/41 , C40B50/08 , G01N33/5008 , C40B40/04 , B01J19/0046 , B01F25/433 , G01N15/1459 , B01L3/502761 , B01F33/3011 , B01F25/4336 , B01L2400/0487 , B01L2300/0654 , B01J2219/00286 , B01J2219/00479 , B01L7/52 , B01L2300/0636 , B01J2219/0059 , B01J2219/00702 , B01L2200/027 , B01J2219/00599 , B01F2101/23 , B01J2219/00576 , B01J2219/00585 , B01J2219/00592 , B01J2219/0072 , B01J2219/00722 , B01L2300/0864 , B01L2400/0415 , G01N2500/00 , B01J2219/00743 , B01J2219/0074 , B01L2300/0645 , B01J2219/00657 , B01J2219/00418 , B01J2219/00351 , B01L2300/0867 , B01J2219/0065 , B01L2300/0681 , G01N2015/1006 , B01J2219/00664 , Y02A90/10
Abstract: The present invention generally relates to droplet libraries and to systems and methods for the formation of libraries of droplets. The present invention also relates to methods utilizing these droplet libraries in various biological, chemical, or diagnostic assays.
Applicant: Bio-Rad Laboratories, inc.
Inventor: Darren Roy Link , Michael L. Samuels
IPC: G01N21/64 , B01J19/00 , B01L3/00 , C40B40/04 , C40B50/08 , C40B60/10 , G01N33/50 , C12Q1/6851 , B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F33/3011 , C12Q1/25 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q1/6818 , C12Q1/6827 , G01N33/542 , G01N33/573 , G01N33/58
CPC classification number: G01N21/6445 , B01J19/0046 , B01L3/502761 , C40B40/04 , C40B50/08 , C40B60/10 , G01N33/5008 , C12Q1/6851 , B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F25/4336 , B01F33/3011 , C12Q1/25 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q1/6818 , C12Q1/6827 , G01N33/542 , G01N33/573 , G01N33/582 , B01L7/52
Abstract: The invention generally relates to methods for quantifying an amount of enzyme molecules. Systems and methods of the invention are provided for measuring an amount of target by forming a plurality of fluid partitions, a subset of which include the target, performing an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in the subset, and detecting the number of partitions in the subset. The amount of target can be determined based on the detected number.
Applicant: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Inventor: Darren R. Link , Michael L. Samuels
IPC: G01N33/573 , B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F33/3011 , B01J19/00 , B01L3/00 , C12Q1/25 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q1/6818 , C12Q1/6827 , C12Q1/6851 , C40B40/04 , C40B50/08 , C40B60/10 , G01N33/50 , G01N33/542 , G01N33/58 , B01L7/00 , G01N21/64
CPC classification number: G01N33/573 , B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F25/4336 , B01F33/3011 , B01J19/0046 , B01L3/502761 , C12Q1/25 , C12Q1/6804 , C12Q1/6818 , C12Q1/6827 , C12Q1/6851 , C40B40/04 , C40B50/08 , C40B60/10 , G01N33/5008 , G01N33/542 , G01N33/582 , B01J2219/00286 , B01J2219/00351 , B01J2219/00418 , B01J2219/00479 , B01J2219/00576 , B01J2219/00585 , B01J2219/0059 , B01J2219/00592 , B01J2219/00599 , B01J2219/0065 , B01J2219/00657 , B01J2219/00664 , B01J2219/00702 , B01J2219/0072 , B01J2219/00722 , B01J2219/0074 , B01J2219/00743 , B01L7/52 , B01L2200/027 , B01L2300/0636 , B01L2300/0645 , B01L2300/0654 , B01L2300/0681 , B01L2300/0864 , B01L2300/0867 , B01L2400/0415 , B01L2400/0487 , G01N21/6428 , G01N21/6445 , G01N2500/00
Abstract: The invention generally relates to methods for quantifying an amount of enzyme molecules. Systems and methods of the invention are provided for measuring an amount of target by forming a plurality of fluid partitions, a subset of which include the target, performing an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in the subset, and detecting the number of partitions in the subset. The amount of target can be determined based on the detected number.
Inventor: Andrew David Griffiths , David A. Weitz , Darren Roy Link , Keunho Ahn , Jerome Bibette
IPC: C12Q1/68 , G01N33/53 , C40B40/08 , B01J19/00 , B01L3/00 , B82Y10/00 , B82Y30/00 , C07K1/04 , C40B40/10 , B01F25/433 , B01F33/302 , B01F33/3031 , B01J13/02 , C40B40/06 , C40B50/08 , G01N35/10 , B01F23/41 , C12N15/10
CPC classification number: C40B40/08 , B01F25/433 , B01F25/4331 , B01F25/4338 , B01F33/3021 , B01F33/3031 , B01J13/025 , B01J19/0046 , B01L3/5025 , B01L3/5027 , B01L3/502761 , B01L3/502784 , B82Y10/00 , B82Y30/00 , C07K1/047 , C40B40/10 , H05K999/99 , B01F23/41 , B01J2219/005 , B01J2219/0086 , B01J2219/00497 , B01J2219/00576 , B01J2219/00585 , B01J2219/00596 , B01J2219/00599 , B01J2219/00707 , B01J2219/00722 , B01J2219/00725 , B01J2219/00743 , B01J2219/00853 , B01J2219/00889 , B01L3/50273 , B01L3/502746 , B01L2200/0605 , B01L2200/0673 , B01L2300/0864 , B01L2300/0867 , B01L2400/0406 , B01L2400/0415 , B01L2400/0487 , B01L2400/084 , C12N15/1096 , C12Q2563/159 , C12Q2600/16 , C40B40/06 , C40B50/08 , G01N2035/1034
Abstract: The invention describes a method for the synthesis of compounds comprising the steps of: (a) compartmentalising two or more sets of primary compounds into microcapsules; such that a proportion of the microcapsules contains two or more compounds; and (b) forming secondary compounds in the microcapsules by chemical reactions between primary compounds from different sets; wherein one or both of steps (a) and (b) is performed under microfluidic control; preferably electronic microfluidic control The invention further allows for the identification of compounds which bind to a target component of a biochemical system or modulate the activity of the target, and which is co-compartmentalised into the microcapsules.
Inventor: Andrew David Griffiths , David A. Weitz , Darren Roy Link , Keunho Ahn , Jerome Bibette
IPC: B01F23/41 , B01L3/00 , C12N15/10 , G01N15/14 , B01F25/433 , B01F33/3011 , B01F33/302 , B01F33/3031 , C12P21/00 , B01J19/00 , C12Q1/6874
CPC classification number: B01F23/41 , B01F25/433 , B01F25/4331 , B01F25/4338 , B01F33/3011 , B01F33/3021 , B01F33/3031 , B01J19/0046 , B01L3/502746 , B01L3/502753 , B01L3/502776 , B01L3/502784 , C12N15/1058 , C12N15/1075 , C12P21/00 , C12Q1/6874 , G01N15/1459 , G01N15/1484 , B01J2219/005 , B01J2219/0052 , B01J2219/00466 , B01J2219/00468 , B01J2219/00545 , B01J2219/00576 , B01J2219/00657 , B01J2219/00722 , B01L2200/0636 , B01L2200/0673 , B01L2300/0654 , B01L2300/0816 , B01L2300/0864 , B01L2300/0867 , B01L2400/0415 , B01L2400/0487 , G01N2015/149
Abstract: The invention describes a method for isolating one or more genetic elements encoding a gene product having a desired activity, comprising the steps of: (a) compartmentalising genetic elements into microcapsules; and (b) sorting the genetic elements which express the gene product having the desired activity; wherein at least one step is under microfluidic control. The invention enables the in vitro evolution of nucleic acids and proteins by repeated mutagenesis and iterative applications of the method of the invention.