A mobile body is confined within a spherical or spheroidal chamber which forms part of an electric monitoring circuit, displacement of the body from an initial position resulting in changes of circuit impedance (through variations in conductance, capacitance or inductance) which are registered on an indicator.
A vehicle carrying a transmitter of high frequency waves is equipped with means for measuring the current flow in its transmit-receive antenna; in the vicinity of a reflecting object, at distances from the transmitter related in a predetermined manner to the operating wavelength, the antenna current or its derivative reaches a series of peaks whose amplitude increases with diminishing distance. If the operating frequency is varied, distance (e.g. from ground) may be determined as a function of the wavelength at the tallest peak observed with decreasing frequency; a constant operating frequency may be used for actuating a load (e.g. a detonator) upon the vehicle approaching within a predetermined distance of an object as determined by current or voltage measurements.