A water relocation apparatus is provided which uses water as a means for transferring energy from the wind and sun into electricity. Wind and the sun may be used to displace water from a water container means. The water container means has a water container member which may be partially submerged in a water supply or reservoir, or it may be connected remotely. The water container means also has a water transport member connected to it, through which water from the water reservoir may move into the water container member. The water from the supply or reservoir will move into the water container member as the water displacement process begins. A conventional windmill system may be used to mechanically displace the water, or an evaporation system utilizing one or more lenses may be used to evaporate the water. An electric generator means may be operatively connected to the water container means in such a manner that the movement of the water through said water transport member may be used to generate electricity. In an alternate configuration, a water condenser means may be connected to the water container means in such a manner that the evaporated water may be transformed back into liquid form and returned to the reservoir or collected for possible residential, commercial, or industrial uses. The various components of the water displacement means and electricity generation means, along with the water condenser means, may also be used in various combinations to displace larger amounts of water.
A method of assembling a tubular building structure 1 comprising a circumferential wall structure formed from a plurality of wall elements 2,20. The method comprises mutually assembling at least some of the wall elements 2,20 by use of screw sockets 4 mounted in holes in the wall elements 2,20 and bolts. The wall elements may be superposed tube sections 2 arranged on top of each other, and these tube sections 2 may be formed by interconnecting axially extending tube segments 20. In some embodiments of the invention, the screw sockets 4 are mounted at the manufacturing site, and the wall elements 2,20 are subsequently transported to the erection site of the tubular building structure 1. Preferably the mutual assembly of the wall elements 2,20 is performable solely by people working inside the tubular building structure 1 fastening the bolts 5 to the pre-mounted screw sockets 4.
A new improved compact wind power turbine with multiple turbine blades and an isolated arrow point stationary nose is presented. Turbine blades (rotors) are connected to a circular cage, and at the center of the turbine, the isolated arrow point stationary nose points forward. Each turbine blade has a 90 degree right angle fin connected to its tip for capturing the force of the wind that applies to the blade tip, which otherwise spills over, reducing wind force and creating turbulence at the tip. The captured wind at the blade tip increases the rotational force on the turbine blades creating a greater rotational force than on other market-available wind turbines. Preferentially, the turbine is directed into the wind either manually, or by using a tail vane or other means for orientating turbine into a wind. A generator or alternator converts the mechanical power into electricity for use at industrial, commercial or home sites.
Generally, a system and method consistent with the present disclosure may provide a relatively low cost, relatively robust data acquisition and analysis system useful for condition-based maintenance. The system may be useful for condition-based maintenance in industrial applications, e.g., of equipment and/or machinery. The industrial monitoring system may be used, for example, to monitor a condition of rotating machinery, e.g., a wind turbine. The system and method may include data analysis that may be useful for anticipating a need for maintenance, repair and/or replacement of one or more components.
The description relates to generating power using wind energy. The current disclosure provides an opportunity to develop a new energy generating resource. According to some aspects, the apparatus uses a passive device to capture wind, and accelerate the wind toward a turbine and other fan or turbine blades to generate power in a confined structure. The foot print of the current design is scalable to individual users or businesses such as homes, industrial facilities, small business sites, as well as small power utilities such as wind farms. The passive devices to capture wind can have active electronic or mechanical controls to control the amount of wind flowing in the structure to generate power.
Mechanical stresses of a mobile control gear are managed using piezoelectric probes adjacent the mobile control gear. The piezoelectric probes are hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields and are configured to identify electronic information corresponding to mechanical stresses in the mobile control gear based on receiving a flow of electrons in an ambient space, and to transmit the electronic information in reverse phase to the mobile control gear to reduce vibrations of the mobile control gear.
The invention is intended to exploit the force of the wind to generate a torque to be used for various purposes, among which, the production, via a mechanical coupling with alternators, of electric energy. The novelty lies in the new arrangement of the blades and of the eolian generator which makes it universally installable on the roof of any building owing to the very low visual and architectonic impact and its structural versatility. Its particular architecture makes it possible to fully exploit the roof effect and wall effect, these being phenomena that, by generating a rise in the wind's speed, allow the generator to have a production capacity exceeding the one of systems having equal dimensions.
A renewable energy power system includes activating wind turbine apparatus generating renewable energy power and thereby a controller is employed to furnish desired voltage to vehicle applications as well as a household or building applications also, a controller directs unspent energy to necessitate other operations or send net energy back to the electrical grid, and as a consequence, electric vehicle recharge no longer applies plus, grid demand is reduced therefore energy technology for transportation, and habitat, and industry can improve.
The invention is a transportable hydroelectric power generating system which is capable of being fully or partially assembled in a factory setting and then transported to a water stream. The system includes either a wind-driven or solar-powered pump or both features which serve to further supply pressurized water to the impellers on the water wheels. Thus marginal streams may become power generating sites.
Generate electricity by concentrating wind, by water pressure, by sun burning, by moving transportation, etc to obtain free electricity in utility of housing, industrial domains, etc to be a project profitable to all of us.