Integrated circuits are provided that have volatile memory elements. The memory elements produce output signals. The integrated circuits may be programmable logic device integrated circuits containing programmable core logic including transistors with gates. The core logic is powered using a core logic power supply level defined by a core logic positive power supply voltage and a core logic ground voltage. When loaded with configuration data, the memory elements produce output signals that are applied to the gates of the transistors in the core logic to customize the programmable logic device. The memory elements are powered with a memory element power supply level defined by a memory element positive power supply voltage and a memory element ground power supply voltage. The memory element power supply level is elevated with respect to the core logic power supply level.
A low-power low-voltage buffer with a half-latch is provided. The half-latch buffer design may provide increased speed without dramatically increasing power consumption.
Integrated circuits are provided that have memory elements. The memory elements produce output signals. The integrated circuits may be programmable logic device integrated circuits containing programmable logic including transistors with gates. When loaded with configuration data, the memory elements produce output signals that are applied to the gates of the transistors in the programmable logic device to customize the programmable logic. To ensure that the transistors in the programmable logic are turned on properly, the memory elements are powered with an elevated power supply level during normal device operation. During data loading operations, the power supply level for the memory elements is reduced. Reducing the memory element power supply level during loading increases the write margin for the memory elements.
Integrated circuits are provided that have volatile memory elements. The memory elements produce output signals. The integrated circuits may be programmable logic device integrated circuits containing programmable core logic including transistors with gates. The core logic is powered using a core logic power supply level defined by a core logic positive power supply voltage and a core logic ground voltage. When loaded with configuration data, the memory elements produce output signals that are applied to the gates of the transistors in the core logic to customize the programmable logic device. The memory elements are powered with a memory element power supply level defined by a memory element positive power supply voltage and a memory element ground power supply voltage. The memory element power supply level is elevated with respect to the core logic power supply level.
Programmable logic device integrated circuits are provided. The programmable logic device integrated circuits contain programmable core logic powered at a programmable core logic power supply voltage. Programmable logic device configuration data is loaded into the memory elements to configure the programmable core logic to perform a custom logic function. During normal operation the memory elements may be powered with a power supply voltage that is larger than the programmable core logic power supply voltage. During data loading operations, the memory elements may be powered with a power supply voltage equal to the programmable core logic power supply voltage. Data loading and reading circuitry loads data into the memory elements and reads data from the memory elements. Address signals are generated by the data loading and reading circuitry. The address signals may have larger voltage levels during data writing operations than during read operations.
Integrated circuits are provided that have volatile memory elements. The memory elements produce output signals. The integrated circuits may be programmable logic device integrated circuits containing programmable core logic including transistors with gates. The core logic is powered using a core logic power supply level defined by a core logic positive power supply voltage and a core logic ground voltage. When loaded with configuration data, the memory elements produce output signals that are applied to the gates of the transistors in the core logic to customize the programmable logic device. The memory elements are powered with a memory element power supply level defined by a memory element positive power supply voltage and a memory element ground power supply voltage. The memory element power supply level is elevated with respect to the core logic power supply level.
Integrated circuits with memory elements are provided. An integrated circuit may include logic circuitry formed in a first portion having complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) devices and may include at least a portion of the memory elements and associated memory circuitry formed in a second portion having nano-electromechanical (NEM) relay devices. The NEM and CMOS devices may be interconnected through vias in a dielectric stack. Devices in the first and second portions may receive respective power supply voltages. In one suitable arrangement, the memory elements may include two relay switches that provide nonvolatile storage characteristics and soft error upset (SEU) immunity. In another suitable arrangement, the memory elements may include first and second cross-coupled inverting circuits. The first inverting circuit may include relay switches, whereas the second inverting circuit includes only CMOS transistors. Memory elements configured in this way may be used to provide volatile storage characteristics and SEU immunity.
Memory elements may be provided that include bi-stable data storage elements based on cross-coupled inverters. A pair of address transistors may be used to implement a differential data writing scheme for the memory elements. One of the address transistors may be coupled between a first data line and a first data storage node in each memory element and another of the address transistors may be coupled between a second data line and a second data storage node. A read circuit may be coupled to the second data storage node. Clear transistors may be interspersed through the array. The clear transistors may help pull the data lines to desired voltages during clear operations. An adjustable power supply may supply a weakened power supply voltage to a pull-up clear transistor and to the first and second inverters during clear operations.
Integrated circuits are provided that have volatile memory elements. The memory elements produce output signals. The integrated circuits may be programmable logic device integrated circuits containing programmable core logic including transistors with gates. The core logic is powered using a core logic power supply level defined by a core logic positive power supply voltage and a core logic ground voltage. When loaded with configuration data, the memory elements produce output signals that are applied to the gates of the transistors in the core logic to customize the programmable logic device. The memory elements are powered with a memory element power supply level defined by a memory element positive power supply voltage and a memory element ground power supply voltage. The memory element power supply level is elevated with respect to the core logic power supply level.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic device integrated circuits have arrays of memory elements into which configuration data is loaded. The memory elements are formed form a pair of independently-powered cross-coupled inverters. Control circuitry generates a first inverter power supply signal and a second inverter power supply signal. The first and second inverter power supply signals are distributed to the inverters in the memory elements using pairs of inverter power distribution paths. When it is desired to reset the memory elements, the control circuitry takes the second power supply signal high before the first power supply signal. When it is desired to preset the memory elements, the control circuitry takes the second power supply high after the first power supply signal.