An integrated circuits with sequential logic circuitry is provided. The sequential logic circuitry may including latching circuits that receive clock signals from on-chip or off-chip clock sources. The clock signals may exhibit clock skew that is native to the integrated circuit. The natively existing clock skew can be leverage to perform time borrowing to help optimize circuit performance. The desired clock skew can be achieved by intelligent placement of the clock sources and deliberate routing of the clock signals from the clock sources to respective types of clock distribution networks on the integrated circuit.
An integrated circuits with sequential logic circuitry is provided. The sequential logic circuitry may including latching circuits that receive clock signals from on-chip or off-chip clock sources. The clock signals may exhibit clock skew that is native to the integrated circuit. The natively existing clock skew can be leverage to perform time borrowing to help optimize circuit performance. The desired clock skew can be achieved by intelligent placement of the clock sources and deliberate routing of the clock signals from the clock sources to respective types of clock distribution networks on the integrated circuit.
A method for designing a system on a target device includes assigning resources on the target device to static logic modules and partial reconfigurable (PR) modules in the system. The instances of one of the PR modules are placed and routed in parallel utilizing resources from those that are assigned. Other embodiments are also disclosed.
A method for designing a system on a target device includes identifying portions in the system to preserve based on comparing structural characteristics of the system with another system. Design results from the another system are reused for portions in the system that are preserved.
An integrated circuits with sequential logic circuitry is provided. The sequential logic circuitry may including latching circuits that receive clock signals from on-chip or off-chip clock sources. The clock signals may exhibit clock skew that is native to the integrated circuit. The natively existing clock skew can be leverage to perform time borrowing to help optimize circuit performance. The desired clock skew can be achieved by intelligent placement of the clock sources and deliberate routing of the clock signals from the clock sources to respective types of clock distribution networks on the integrated circuit.
An electronic design automation (EDA) tool alters a user's netlist to provide timing success for distribution of asynchronous signals. Distribution networks are used with the addition of pipeline registers before and/or after the distribution buffer. Or, a tree of pipeline registers is inserted between the asynchronous source and the destination registers. Or, any number of distribution networks are stitched together and pipeline stages may be inserted before and/or after each distribution buffer. Or, beneficial skew is utilized by introducing a delay component that skews a clock signal. The skewed clock signal drives a pipeline register that is inserted before a distribution buffer in order to improve timing margin. Any of various compilation techniques may be used within the EDA tool to solve the problem of distributing high-speed, high-fanout asynchronous signals. The technique has utility for high-performance FPGAs and structured ASIC families, as well as for low-cost FPGAs and other types of logic devices.
A method for designing a system on a target device includes identifying portions in the system to preserve based on comparing structural characteristics of the system with another system. Design results from the another system are reused for portions in the system that are preserved.
Systems and methods for generating and deploying integrated circuit (IC) applications are provided. Partial reconfiguration functionality of an IC may be used to build reconfigurable application platforms that enable application execution on the IC. These apps may include partial reconfiguration bitstreams that allow ease of access to programming without cumbersome compilation via a set of complex tools. The apps may be acquired via a purchasing website or other mechanism, where the bitstreams may be downloaded to the IC, thus increasing usability of the IC as well providing addition revenue streams.
An integrated circuit includes circuit blocks, a clock network coupled to the circuit blocks, and a supply voltage network coupled to the circuit blocks. Each of the circuit blocks comprises at least one clocked circuit that receives a clock signal. The clock network provides the clock signal to the clocked circuits in the circuit blocks. The supply voltage network provides a supply voltage to the circuit blocks. A latency of the clock signal provided through the clock network to at least one of the circuit blocks is adjusted to decrease a peak voltage drop in the supply voltage caused by a peak current drawn by the circuit blocks.
An integrated circuits with sequential logic circuitry is provided. The sequential logic circuitry may including latching circuits that receive clock signals from on-chip or off-chip clock sources. The clock signals may exhibit clock skew that is native to the integrated circuit. The natively existing clock skew can be leverage to perform time borrowing to help optimize circuit performance. The desired clock skew can be achieved by intelligent placement of the clock sources and deliberate routing of the clock signals from the clock sources to respective types of clock distribution networks on the integrated circuit.