



    Abstract: A filter module analysis system configured for the analysis of a filter module having a filter element contained within a housing, the housing having an inlet, a clean outlet and a waste outlet. A clean outlet sensor assembly can be provided about the clean outlet, and a waste outlet sensor assembly can be provided about the waste outlet. A data collection and network communication mechanism can be configured to receive process and receive data from the clean and waste outlet sensor assemblies and transmit the data over a network to a server form storage and processing filter module statuses based on flow detected flow parameters.

    Smart filter module analysis system and associated methods





    Abstract: A filter module analysis system configured for the analysis of a filter module having a filter element contained within a housing, the housing having an inlet, a clean outlet and a waste outlet. A clean outlet sensor assembly can be provided about the clean outlet, and a waste outlet sensor assembly can be provided about the waste outlet. A data collection and network communication mechanism can be configured to receive process and receive data from the clean and waste outlet sensor assemblies and transmit the data over a network to a server form storage and processing filter module statuses based on flow detected flow parameters.

    Filter, Filter Element, and Filter Housing
    Filter, Filter Element, and Filter Housing 审中-公开





    Abstract: Disclosed is a filter (10) for liquid fluid, in particular lubricant, particularly motor oil, or fuel, in particular of an internal combustion engine, a filter element (16) and a filter housing (12). The filter housing (12) has at least one inlet (24) for fluid to be cleaned and at least one outlet (22) for cleaned fluid. The filter (10) has at least one hollow filter element (16), which is arranged in the filter housing (12) such that it separates at least one inlet (24) from at least one outlet (22). The filter element (16) has at least one filter medium (26), which is at least partly surrounding at least one internal space (28) of the filter element (16) circumferentially relating to an axis (20). The at least one filter element (16) has at least one passage (34) for connecting at least one internal space (28) fluid-ducting to at least one inlet (24) or at least one outlet (22). The filter (10) has at least one medium (48) for neutralization of acid in the fluid and/or for sequestering acid from the fluid, which is arranged in a fluid-ducting area of the filter (10) such that the fluid can come in contact at least with a part of the medium for acid neutralization/sequestration (48). At least one medium for acid neutralization/sequestration (48) is laminar and different from the at least one filter medium (26).

    Abstract translation: 公开了一种用于液体流体的过滤器(10),特别是润滑剂,特别是机油,或特别是内燃机,过滤元件(16)和过滤器壳体(12)的燃料。 过滤器壳体(12)具有用于待清洁的流体的至少一个入口(24)和用于清洁的流体的至少一个出口(22)。 过滤器(10)具有至少一个中空过滤器元件(16),其布置在过滤器壳体(12)中,使得其将至少一个入口(24)与至少一个出口(22)分离。 过滤元件(16)具有至少一个过滤介质(26),其至少部分地围绕过滤器元件(16)的与轴线(20)周向相关的至少一个内部空间(28)。 至少一个过滤器元件(16)具有至少一个通道(34),用于将至少一个内部空间(28)流体管道连接到至少一个入口(24)或至少一个出口(22)。 过滤器(10)具有至少一个介质(48),用于中和流体中的酸和/或从流体中分离酸,所述介质布置在过滤器(10)的流体管道区域中,使得流体可以 至少接触一部分用于酸中和/隔离的介质(48)。 用于酸中和/螯合(48)的至少一种介质是层流的并且不同于至少一种过滤介质(26)。

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