A method and apparatus for continuous automated growing of plants utilizes a vertical array of plant supporting arms extending radially from a central axis. Each arm has a plurality of pot receptacles which receive the plant seedling and liquid nutrients and water. The potting arms are rotated beneath grow lamps and pollinating arms. The frequency of feeding is increased as the plants grow. CO2 enriched air may also be provided. Once the plants are ready to harvest, they are manually exchanged for new seedlings and packaged.
A device for detecting and marking differences between two substrates, such as images or written text. The device has an image capturing device that is in communication with image recognition software. Images of a secondary images are analyzed and compared to a primary image to detect differences between the two. Once a difference is detected, the device automatically disperses a marking material in the proximity of the detected difference.
A plant pollination bag including a bag made of a flexible material, a pouch formed out of one or more additional pieces of material fixed to the wall of the bag, where a space is created between the at least one additional piece of material and the wall of the bag; at least one of a releasable closure and a tear line fixed to the one or more additional pieces of material and the wall of the bag, where the one or more of a releaseable closure and a tear line is adapted to seal the space between the one or more additional pieces of material and the wall of the bag; an elongated piece of material attached to the at least one of a releasable closure and a tear line, where the elongated piece of material is designed to extend from the interior of the bag to a location outside of the bag, where the elongated piece of material is further adapted to allow a user to at least one of A) open the releasable closure and B) tear the tear line from outside of the bag. The system of the preferred embodiments is preferably designed to one or more of assist in the pollination of a plant, capture seeds dropped by the plant, and prevent cross-pollination of the plant by unintended plants.
A device for detecting and addressing offending objects that are found in a fluid. The device has an image capturing device that receives images of a substrate such as a fluid. The captured images are analyzed by an image recognition system. If the image recognition system detects the presence of an offending object—the device performs further steps to remove or neutralize the offending object.
A device for detecting and marking ticks and tick bites on a body or limb. The device has an image capturing device that is in communication with image recognition software. Images of skin are analyzed to detect objects consistent with ticks or tick bites. Once such object is detected, the device automatically disperses a marking material in the proximity of the detected tick or tick bite.
A method for the determination of pollen viability and/or maturation grade of a pollen population, comprising mechanically removing pollen grains from flowers; re-suspending pollen grains in an electrically conductive buffer for keeping the plant cells to remain viable; passing the pollen suspension through an appropriate filter with a pore size suitable for a microfluidic device being adapted to perform impedance flow cytometry (IFC); An advantage of the present invention is that a plant cell does not have to be stained for viability analysis, the method is non-invasive and a high number of cells can be analysed in a short time frame in real-time and on-site. It is possible to follow developmental processes of plant cells, and that it is applicable to all plant species. In particular, the method allows a standardized measurement independent of the location and all over the world.
Various embodiments disclosed herein include systems, methods, compositions, and products by process for Rapid-breeding of plants. In certain embodiments, the systems and/or methods are at least partially automated.
A process for pollinating a crop of female cannabis plant contained in a building having internal ventilation ducting, wherein the process includes the steps of locating an intake for the internal ventilation ducting, providing a dispensable dispersant which includes male cannabis pollen or spores, and administering the dispersant into the intake so as to cause the dispersant to flow downstream into the ducting.
Composition for and method of stimulating growth of plants, e.g. increase in crop production. The composition comprises a carbon skeleton/energy component, typically a sugar or mixture of sugars; a macronutrient component providing the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, preferably also magnesium and sulfur; a micronutrient component providing zinc, iron and manganese, preferably also copper, boron, molybdenum and cobalt. The composition also preferably contains a vitamin/cofactor component and an enhancement component. The composition may be in the form of an aqueous solution or in a form suitable for coating seeds or coating pollen. It may be applied as a foliar spray, as a soil amendment, as a root dip or as an injectable solution. Preferably where, for example, it is used as a foliar spray it is applied at intervals at different stages of growth. The method is useful for treating vegetation to promotes plant growth and/or crop production, also for treating pollen, seeds, roots and soil and inhibiting growth of insects and micro-organisms. A formulation including an energy/carbon skeleton component, a macro nutrient component and a micro nutrient component is applied,, e.g. in aqueous solution by foliar spraying. This is done in a manner to make optimum use of the inherent ability of vegetation to harvest solar energy and to utilize other sources of energy and carbon skeleton, such that the energy and nutrients applied by the method of the invention is a fraction of the energy and carbon skeleton requirements of the vegetation.
Composition for and method of stimulating growth of plants, e.g. increase in crop production. The composition comprises a carbon skeleton/energy component, typically a sugar or mixture of sugars; a macronutrient component providing the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, preferably also magnesium and sulfur; a micronutrient component providing zinc, iron and manganese, preferably also copper, boron, molybdenum and cobalt. The composition also preferably contains a vitamin/cofactor component and an enhancement component. The composition may be in the form of an aqueous solution or in a form suitable for coating seeds or coating pollen. It may be applied as a foliar spray, as a soil amendment, as a root dip or as an injectable solution. Preferably where, for example, it is used as a foliar spray it is applied at intervals at different stages of growth. The method is useful for treating vegetation to promotes plant growth and/or crop production, also for treating pollen, seeds, roots and soil and inhibiting growth of insects and micro-organisms. A formulation including an energy/carbon skeleton component, a macro nutrient component and a micro nutrient component is applied, e.g. in aqueous solution by foliar spraying. This is done in a manner to make optimum use of the inherent ability of vegetation to harvest solar energy and to utilize other sources of energy and carbon skeleton, such that the energy and nutrients applied by the method of the invention is a fraction of the energy and carbon skeleton requirements of the vegetation.