A microprocessor has a low-power mode and a non-low power mode. The microprocessor includes a processor core for executing instructions provided to the microprocessor and a clock providing a clock signal, which in the non-low power mode has a first frequency and in the low power mode has a second frequency lower than the first frequency. A hardware timer is present, for scheduling an execution of an event by the microprocessor at a future point in time. The hardware timer is connected to the clock for determining a period of time between a current point in time and a point in time the event based on a number of clock cycles of the clock signal. A timer controller can determine, when the data processing system switches from the low power mode to the non-low power mode, a number of clock cycles of a clock signal with the first frequency that corresponds to a low-power mode period during which the microprocessor has been in the low power mode and adjusting the hardware timer based on the determined number.
A microprocessor has a low-power mode and a non-low power mode. The microprocessor includes a processor core for executing instructions provided to the microprocessor and a clock providing a clock signal, which in the non-low power mode has a first frequency and in the low power mode has a second frequency lower than the first frequency. A hardware timer is present, for scheduling an execution of an event by the microprocessor at a future point in time. The hardware timer is connected to the clock for determining a period of time between a current point in time and a point in time the event based on a number of clock cycles of the clock signal. A timer controller can determine, when the data processing system switches from the low power mode to the non-low power mode, a number of clock cycles of a clock signal with the first frequency that corresponds to a low-power mode period during which the microprocessor has been in the low power mode and adjusting the hardware timer based on the determined number.