A protective guard is provided for a school bus. A series of telescoping members retracts along the front of the bus, and are in a compact form when the bus is moving. When the school bus stops two of the members telescope outwardly in series and extend across the lane of oncoming traffic. The members are so long and strong that any motorist attempting to pass the bus will damage his car. Flashing red lights are mounted on the extended members. The members are extended and retracted by a lead screw. The lead screw, when it extends the telescoping members, first drives the innermost member outwardly and away from the other movable member. The lead screw then engages the other movable member and drives it outwardly and it carries the innermost member to its ultimate extended position.
This device, by its organization and operation, processes sound, usually music. It provides output voltages, for driving lights, which is proportionally representative of input sound levels. Range of sound perception of the human ear exceeds the range of perception of the human eye. It is necessary to adjust the sound level by compression and Automatic Gain Control, particularly by compression, to accommodate the eyes.A requirement to have the output drive voltage drive the lights is to have a linear response to the compressed audio signal. This requirement is met with an output drive circuit which, has a linear response to the compressed signal. This is achieved with a linear firing circuit when providing output voltage using SCR's or Triacs. In a straightforward variation of the output circuit to improve the power factor, the linear response is maintained by modulating the output with transistors instead of using SCR's or Triacs.
A system that varies the brilliance of light bulbs in accordance with modulated audio signals. The audio signals are first compressed and then passed through a comparator. The comparator has two inputs, one of which is the aforesaid compressed audio signals. The other input is a control input which receives a second voltage in the form of a series of impulses. The compressed audio signals pass through the comparator if and when their voltage is higher than that of said second voltage.