A single tunable filter WDM Bragg cell is employed to both wavelength demultiplex and detect incoming light beams by the application of a DC tuning signal for wavelength selection, together with an AC component for facilitating detection of data impressed upon selected incoming demultiplexed beams, all in the optical domain, in contrast with the electrical domain, to enhance processing speed. The AC component can perform hetrodyne detection for TV and telephone analog communication systems, or can detect digital signals for DSL internet communication systems, and cost savings result from the use of a single compact cell tuned by the composite signal permitting demultiplexing and detecting in one cell component. The resulting versatility enables use of the single cell in WDM and TDM, WDM and spread spectrum, and WDM packet switching and TCP/IP header digital address recognition systems.
A first lens produces a Fourier transform of the wavefront distorted optical image at the Fourier transform plane. A phase encoded filter is positioned at the transform plane and a second filter is tandemly positioned with respect to the first filter, the second filter having a transmittance which is statistically similar to the reciprocal spatial frequency spectrum of the Fourier transform of the distortion function, to in turn produce an intermediate signal at the transform plane, which is now Fourier transformed by a second lens to recover the optical image having a substantially reduced degree of distortion.
Limiting quadratic processing and compansion in photorefractive two beam coupling is disclosed. Two-beam coupling in photorefractive barium titanate employs the imaged intensity of the signal to amplify the reference beam while maintaining the phase of the reference beam. The phase distorted signal beam is converted to that of the controlled phase of the reference beam. The high pump limit of amplification in this two-beam coupling device produces an amplitude compressed output to reduce multiplicative noise. Lost contrast of the image is thereafter restored. Beam clean-up of a non-intelligence bearing beam can be carried out by a similar process; a low pass filter consisting of a pinhole plate can be used in place of the second photorefractive crystal in the Fourier plane and only the planar wavefront portion will pass through the pinhole and may be collimated by a lens to provide a cleaned planar output beam.
An all optical photorefractive holographic joint transform correlator provides a first correlation plane output port using two-beam coupling, and a second correlation plane output port employing four-wave mixing. With appropriate input beam intensity ratios, the first port output is capable of high discrimination, while simultaneously the second port offers a low discrimination output.
A holographic grating is written into a photorefractive erasable holographic member and a light beam having a first wavelength which includes the joint power spectrum of a pair of joint images to be correlated is directed at the photorefractive member to partially erase the grating. A phase conjugate signal from the partially erased grating is then readout and Fourier transformed to produce the correlation output spots.
An extremely high resolution holographic lens is provided, comprising an interference pattern between light emitted from at least one tiny point source of light such as the tip of an optical fiber, having a diameter in the nanoscale region, and at least one plane or quasi-plane broad light beam. The holographic lens is employed for example in pickups for reading data off of, and writing data upon terabit optical storage mediums and nanoscale resolution microscopic media.
Image derogating optical noise due to light scattering of an object under examination, embedded in a light scattering medium, is substantially reduced by passing a modulated signal laser beam through the scattering medium, and interfering the emerging signal with a coherent modulated reference beam to produce a hologram in a photorefractive member of the object, which in turn is read out of the crystal by a third unmodulated coherent beam to retrieve a clear image of the object. A smart pixel image convertor light valve may be substituted for the photorefractive member.
Image derogating optical noise due to light scattering of an object under amination, embedded in, or positioned in front of a light scattering medium, is substantially reduced by employing a two-dimensional all optical phase sensitive holographic detector and vibrating the light scattering material at an ultra-sonic frequency to produce both signal sidebands and noise sidebands. Homodyne and hetrodyne techniques are used to filter out sidebands due to the light scattering noise and pass the desired signals, thereby to output a clear image of the object free of optical scatter noise. A smart pixel image converter light valve may be substituted for the photorefractive member.
An all-optical nonlinear joint transform correlator has been implemented for the first time without using a spatial light modulator and digital processing in the Fourier plane. The correlator utilizes energy transfer from two-beam coupling in the Fourier plane. A compressional nonlinearity in the hard-clipped regime is implemented by pumping a weak plane wave with the intense joint spectrum of the reference and signal images. Operation of this device rivals or exceeds that of the phase-only filter for detecting objects in cluttered noise. Experimental results are compared with both plane wave and beam propagation simulations.
A single high resolution holographic pickup, for reading/writing both a CD and DVD optical recording medium, has an electrical tuning control for applying a DC and AC signal to a tunable Bragg cell, which AC is phase locked with respect to the fundamental repetition frequency of the recorded data on the CD to produce accurate tracking. A special high resolution holographic lens is recorded within the Bragg cell that focuses the light signals read off of the optical storage mediums upon a pickup detector, and its focal length is varied to read a selected CD and or DVD from a group of CDs or DVDs in response to changes in the DC applied to the Bragg cell. The holographic lens within the Bragg cell is formed by an interference pattern produced by interfering light emitted from the tip of a one micron optical fiber and a plane broad light beam.