A flyweight system includes a base defining a through-bore for connection to a flyweight governor. The base defines a track therein. A magnet is seated in the track of the base. A tab is mounted to the base, sandwiching the magnet between the base and the tab to retain the magnet in the track.
In a centrifugal governor connecting a driving shaft with an axially aligned driven shaft for varying the phase angle between the two shafts in an rpm-dependent manner, each centrifugal weight rotates in unison with the driving shaft and has a rigidly affixed pin extending parallel to and spaced from the pivotal axis of the weight. The pin projects beyond either side of the weight. One terminus of the pin is in continuous engagement with a curved track of a component keyed to the driven shaft for changing the phase angle as the weights swing in response to an rpm change. The other terminus of the pin carries an abutment ring of arbitrary diameter which, after the weight has swung through a predetermined path, engages the bounding edge of a recess provided in a component affixed to the driving shaft to limit the phase angle alteration to a predetermined, arbitrary value.
The regulating device includes an active element, sensitive to the speed of rotation of the engine, an adjusting element for the flow of fuel per revolution connected to the active element, a sleeve connected flexibly to the active element and a linking mechanism attached on the active element, the sleeve and the adjusting element. Means for the setting of several values of the flow include a member provided with two inclined ramps and stop means provided with two ramps complementary to the preceding ramps. The regulating device may be of ''''any speed'''' or of the ''''mini-maxi'''' type. It can include control means which can be servocoupled to a parameter such as the density of the fuel used by the engine.