Exhaust emission control system of internal combustion engine
    Exhaust emission control system of internal combustion engine 失效





    Abstract: An exhaust purifying device is arranged in an exhaust gas passage extending from an internal combustion engine. The exhaust purifying device includes a NOx trapping catalyst that traps NOx in the exhaust gas when an exhaust air/fuel ratio is leaner than stoichiometric and releases the trapped NOx therefrom when the exhaust air/fuel ratio is richer than stoichiometric, and a particulate filter that collects a particulate matter in the exhaust gas. A condition detecting device is arranged to detect a condition of the particulate filter. An exhaust air/fuel ratio control device is arranged to control the exhaust gas from the engine in such a manner that the exhaust gas has a target exhaust air/fuel ratio. When the exhaust air/fuel ratio is changed from a stoichiometric or richer side to a leaner side, the exhaust air/fuel ratio control device varies the exhaust air/fuel ratio under the leaner air/fuel exhaust condition in accordance with the condition of the particulate filter.

    Abstract translation: 排气净化装置设置在从内燃机延伸出的废气通道中。 排气净化装置包括当排气/燃料比比化学计量稀少时捕获废气中的NOx的NOx捕集催化剂,并且当排气/燃料比富于化学计量时从其中释放捕获的NOx;以及颗粒过滤器 在废气中收集颗粒物质。 条件检测装置被布置成检测微粒过滤器的状况。 排气/燃料比控制装置布置成以排气具有目标排气/燃料比的方式控制来自发动机的废气。 当排气/燃料比从化学计量比较浓或更浓的一侧变化到更稀的侧时,排气/燃料比控制装置根据所述排气/燃料比的控制装置的条件来改变较稀的空气/燃料排放条件下的排气/ 微粒过滤器

    Exhaust gas purifying apparatus and method for internal combustion engine
    Exhaust gas purifying apparatus and method for internal combustion engine 失效





    Abstract: In exhaust gas purifying apparatus and method for an internal combustion engine, a degree of a performance deterioration of am NOx trap catalyst is determined on the basis of a detected air-fuel ratio variation time difference, at the performance deterioration determination of the NOx trap catalyst, the degree of the performance deterioration with at least one of correcting factors of a quantity of NOx trapped by means of the NOx trap catalyst, a reducing agent supply quantity by which a reducing agent is supplied to the NOx trap catalyst, and catalyst temperature which is a temperature of the NOx trap catalyst, and at least one of the correcting factors is reflected on the determination of the degree of the performance deterioration of the NOx trap catalyst.

    Abstract translation: 在废气净化装置和内燃机的方法中,在NOx捕集催化剂的性能劣化判定的基础上,基于检测出的空燃比变动时间差,求出上述NOx捕集催化剂的性能劣化程度 ,通过NOx捕集催化剂捕获的NOx量的校正因子,向NOx捕集催化剂供给还原剂的还原剂供给量以及催化剂温度中的至少一个的性能劣化程度, 是NOx捕集催化剂的温度,并且至少一个校正因子反映在NOx捕集催化剂的性能劣化程度的确定上。

    Exhaust gas purifying apparatus and method for internal combustion engine
    Exhaust gas purifying apparatus and method for internal combustion engine 失效





    Abstract: In exhaust gas purifying apparatus and method for an internal combustion engine, an abnormality determination of an NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) removing catalyst is executed on the basis of output values of both of a first exhaust gas atmosphere detecting section and a second exhaust gas atmosphere detecting section (for example, oxygen concentration sensors interposed in an exhaust passage of the engine between inlet and outlet portions of the NOx removing catalyst) from a time at which an output value of the first exhaust gas atmosphere detecting section is varied to a first predetermined value to a time at which the output value of the second exhaust gas atmosphere detecting section is reached to a second predetermined value when an exhaust gas atmosphere varying section (control unit) increases the ratio of a reducing agent in the exhaust gas.

    Abstract translation: 在排气净化装置和内燃机的方法中,基于第一排气气氛检测部和第二排气气氛检测二者的输出值,执行NOx(氮氧化物)除去催化剂的异常判定 从第一排气气体检测部的输出值变化到第一规定值的时刻(例如,设置在发动机的排气通路中的氧浓度传感器)的第一排气气氛检测部的输出值 当排气气氛变化部(控制单元)增加排气中的还原剂的比例时,第二排气气氛检测部的输出值达到第二规定值的时间。

    Exhaust gas purifying catalyst for internal combustion engine
    Exhaust gas purifying catalyst for internal combustion engine 失效





    Abstract: An exhaust gas purifying system for an internal combustion engine of an automotive vehicle. The exhaust gas purifying system includes an exhaust gas purifying catalyst disposed in an exhaust gas passage of the engine to remove an exhaust gas component. A concentration sensor is disposed in the exhaust gas passage downstream of the exhaust gas purifying catalyst to detect a concentration of the exhaust gas component. Additionally, a control unit is provided programmed to carry out (a) detecting an activity transition time at which the exhaust gas purifying catalyst changes from an inactive state to an active state, in accordance with the concentration of the exhaust gas component detected by the concentration sensor, and (b) judging a deterioration of the exhaust gas purifying catalyst at the activity transition time.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于机动车辆的内燃机的废气净化系统。 排气净化系统包括排气净化催化剂,其设置在发动机的废气通道中以除去排气成分。 在排气净化催化剂下游的排气通路中配置浓度传感器,以检测废气成分的浓度。 另外,控制单元被设置为执行(a)根据由浓度检测到的废气成分的浓度来检测废气净化催化剂从非活性状态变为活性状态的活化转变时间 传感器,以及(b)在活性转移时刻判断排气净化催化剂的劣化。

    Apparatus and method for regenerating particulate filter that removes particulates out of exhaust gas for internal combustion engine
    Apparatus and method for regenerating particulate filter that removes particulates out of exhaust gas for internal combustion engine 失效





    Abstract: A particulate deposit amount Spm on a particulate filter disposed in an exhaust passage is estimated during a usual period different from a regeneration period of the particulate filter and during the regeneration period thereof respectively. An increase value Dpm per unit time of the Spm during the usual period is estimated based upon an engine operating condition and a total amount of the Spm is determined by integration thereof (S15, 16). On the other hand, a particulate deposit amount Spm decreasing by burning during the regeneration period is determined by, one by one, subtracting a decrease value Dpm per unit time estimated based upon a particulate deposit amount Spmi that is determined by the above integration at a starting point of the regeneration period from the Spmi (S12, 17).

    Abstract translation: 在与微粒过滤器的再生期间和再生期间分别不同的通常期间,估计设置在排气通道中的颗粒过滤器上的颗粒沉积量Spm。 根据发动机运转状况来估计通常期间的Spm的每单位时间的增加值Dpm,并且通过积分确定Spm的总量(S15,16)。 另一方面,在再生期间通过燃烧减少的颗粒物沉积量Spm通过逐个减去基于由上述积分确定的颗粒沉积量Spmi估计的每单位时间的减小值Dpm来确定 来自Spmi的再生期的起点(S12,17)。

    Exhaust gas purifying method and apparatus for internal combustion engine
    Exhaust gas purifying method and apparatus for internal combustion engine 失效





    Abstract: An exhaust gas purifying method for an internal combustion engine, including determining an amount of particulates in an exhaust gas which is accumulated in a particulate filter disposed within an exhaust passage of the engine, determining whether the particulate filter is at an adequate state for regeneration, and executing regeneration of the particulate filter by controlling oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas depending on the amount of the trapped particulates when it is determined that the particulate filter is at the adequate state and the amount of the accumulated particulates exceeds a first preset value. An exhaust gas purifying apparatus including a plurality of sensors detecting parameters relative to an engine operating condition, a particulate filter operative to accumulate particulates present in exhaust gas flowing thereinto and a controller programmed to implement the determinations and the execution of regeneration of the method.

    Abstract translation: 一种内燃机的排气净化方法,其特征在于,包括:确定积存在发动机的排气通路内的微粒过滤器中的废气中的微粒量,判断微粒过滤器是否处于适当的再生状态, 并且当确定微粒过滤器处于适当状态并且累积的微粒的量超过第一预设值时,通过根据被捕获的颗粒的量控制排气中的氧浓度来执行微粒过滤器的再生。 一种排气净化装置,包括检测相对于发动机运转状态的参数的多个传感器,可以将流过其中的废气中存在的微粒累积的微粒过滤器和被编程为实现方法再生的确定和执行的控制器。

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