Cyclosporin derivatives for treating inflammatory diseases and conditions
    Cyclosporin derivatives for treating inflammatory diseases and conditions 有权





    CPC classification number: C07K7/645 A61K38/13

    Abstract: The present invention provides a method for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and/or conditions, e.g. allergic conjunctivitis, uveitis or phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis in an eye of a mammal, said method comprising administering to said mammal in need of treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a novel cyclosporin A derivative selected from the group consisting of compounds represented by the formula: wherein R1 is S-Alk-R wherein Alk is an alkylene linkage, preferably a methylene or poly methylene linkage, or a polyalkenylene linkage, e.g. a C3 to C6 alkenylenyl linkage and R is a hydrogen or a unsubstituted or substituted hydrocarbyl group.

    Abstract translation: 本发明提供了治疗炎性疾病和/或病症的方法,例如, 过敏性结膜炎,葡萄膜炎或哺乳动物眼中的眼内炎眼内炎,所述方法包括向需要治疗的所述哺乳动物施用治疗有效量的新型环孢菌素A衍生物,其选自由下式表示的化合物:其中R1为 S-Alk-R其中Alk是亚烷基键,优选亚甲基或聚亚甲基键,或聚亚烯基键,例如 C3至C6链烯基,R为氢或未取代或取代的烃基。

    Methods for the therapeutic use of cyclosporine components
    Methods for the therapeutic use of cyclosporine components 有权





    CPC classification number: A61K38/13

    Abstract: Methods of treating humans or animals having various conditions are disclosed which include administering a cyclosporine component. Among the conditions treated are dry mouth syndrome, verruciform xanthoma, achlorhydria, mucous cysts, oral submucous fibrosis, oral nevi, cancer of the oral mucosa, maloplakia of the genito-urinary tract, vulvovaginitis, helicobacter plylori infection, duodenal ulcers, peptic ulcers, conditions affecting the uterus and appendicitis.

    Abstract translation: 公开了治疗具有各种病症的人或动物的方法,其包括施用环孢菌素组分。 治疗的病症包括口干综合征,疣状黄瘤,嗜酸性粒细胞粘液囊肿,口腔粘膜下纤维变性,口腔痣,口腔黏膜癌,泌尿系泌尿系膜炎,外阴阴道炎,幽门螺杆菌感染,十二指肠溃疡,消化性溃疡, 影响子宫和阑尾炎的病症。

    Fission product barrier emergency event classification and response





    CPC classification number: G21D3/04 G21C17/00 G21C9/00 Y02E30/40

    Abstract: The present system uses measurement inputs which reveal fission product barrier functional characteristics for emergency event classification in nuclear generating stations. The process determines the functional status of barriers to fission product release under transient or emergency conditions. The first part of the present process specifies which key indicators within a nuclear plant provide data indicative of fission product barrier status, and develops a logic table or diagram relating specific key symptoms to barrier status such that a computer identifies the functional status of each fission product barrier. In the second part of the present process nuclear power plant operators utilize the computer to determine emergency event classification. The computer utilizes the present process, using the installed nuclear generating station instrumentation which indicates flow rates in fluid and air handling systems, pressures in pipes and vessels, temperatures in pipes and vessels, radiation levels and other indications of equipment status to determine whether the fission product barriers are functional at a given point in time according to the criteria established during the first part of the process. The implentation is an orderly process in which nuclear power plant operator uses the process as programmed on the computer to determine and correctly characterize the condition or status of each fission product barrier at any time. The process results in direct indication of the status of fission product barriers and of the categorization of the emergency event according to established classes of emergencies. If the computer is non-functional, the nuclear plant operator uses the process as presented in implementing procedures to determine the status of each fission product barrier and to determine the proper event clasification. The operator relies upon installed plant instrumentation to determine the functional status of the barriers according to the process.

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