A phase modulator circuit for encoding successive serial binary digits at the zero crossing points of a sine wave carrier. A digital one is encoded as a brief phase deviation of the carrier and a digital zero as the normal wave form. The carrier frequency is one-half the clock frequency of the encoded data. A digital processing circuit operating at one-half the clock frequency of the data controls one shot multivibrators which control electronic switches to deviate the carrier.
A doublet signal detection arrangement using a phase lock loop to generate a constant timing signal. A sampling technique operating from the constant timing signal reproduces one side of the doublet with essentially perfect shape and no edge jitter. The timing signal can then be used to further decode the signal.
Binary data is encoded in sinusoidal form. Two complementry sine waves at the binary data frequency are generated; one is positively biased, the other is negatively biased. The binary data selectively gates each sine wave. At the receiver, a zero dc level sine wave is recovered and clock pulses are derived from the peaks of the recovered wave. One binary level is produced when a clock pulse coincides with a positive peak of the incoming sinusoid; the other binary level is produced when a clock pulse coincides with a negative peak of the incoming sinusoid.
A data transmission system is described in which bipolar data signals are derived from an AC signal. The system comprises a transformer having a primary winding receiving the AC signal and a secondary winding. The ends of the secondary winding are respectively connected to switch means the control terminals of which receive data signals. The bipolar signal derived at the center tap of the secondary winding reflects the data signal inputs to the switch means.
A sequence of binary data bits are transformed into a waveform consisting of a series of half-cycles of square waves of two different frequencies, the half-cycles being of alternating phase and each frequency corresponding to one of the two binary conditions. This sequence of half-cycle square waves then may be transmitted as a stream of exact half-cycles of audio tones.