Penalty for taking branch in pipelined processor is reduced by pre-calculating target of conditional branch before branch is encountered, thereby effectively converting branches to jumps. During program execution, pipeline penalty is reduced effectively to that of unconditional jump. Offset bits are replaced in a conditional branch with index bits based on addition of offset bits and a program counter value. Scheme reduces need for cycle to calculate target of taken branch. Scheme may be applied during cache fill or dead cycle when taken branch is read from pipelined cache.
A trap handler architecture is incorporated into a parallel processing subsystem such as a GPU. The trap handler architecture minimizes design complexity and verification efforts for concurrently executing threads by imposing a property that all thread groups associated with a streaming multi-processor are either all executing within their respective code segments or are all executing within the trap handler code segment.
An address divergence unit detects divergence between threads in a thread group and then separates those threads into a subset of non-divergent threads and a subset of divergent threads. In one embodiment, the address divergence unit causes instructions associated with the subset of non-divergent threads to be issued for execution on a parallel processing unit, while causing the instructions associated with the subset of divergent threads to be re-fetched and re-issued for execution.
A trap handler architecture is incorporated into a parallel processing subsystem such as a GPU. The trap handler architecture minimizes design complexity and verification efforts for concurrently executing threads by imposing a property that all thread groups associated with a streaming multi-processor are either all executing within their respective code segments or are all executing within the trap handler code segment.
A computing device detects divergences between threads in a thread group executing on a parallel processing unit. The computing device includes an address divergence unit that identifies a subset of non-divergent threads included in the thread group. The address divergence unit stores instructions related to the subset of non-divergent threads in a multi-issue queue. The address divergence unit causes the instructions related to the subset of non-divergent threads to be retrieved from the multi-issue queue when the parallel processing unit is available. The address divergence unit causes the subset of non-divergent threads to be issued for execution on the parallel processing unit. The address divergence unit repeats the identifying, storing, and causing steps for the remaining threads in the thread group that are not included in the subset of non-divergent threads.
In complex systems, the arrival of data to a computation component is difficult to predict. A method of synchronizing the initiation of computation with the reception of its input data is disclosed. The method allows the input data and computation initiation commands to arrive in any order. The method is dynamically adjustable allowing for varying numbers of data inputs.