Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Motor vehicle with a power train having an automated clutch
- Patent Title (中): 具有自动离合器的动力传动系的汽车
Application No.: US59079Application Date: 1998-04-09
Publication No.: US6113517APublication Date: 2000-09-05
- Inventor: Michael Salecker , Martin Zimmermann , Franz Kosik , Thomas Grass
- Applicant: Michael Salecker , Martin Zimmermann , Franz Kosik , Thomas Grass
- Applicant Address: DEX Buhl/Baden DEX Stuttgart
- Assignee: LuK Getriebe-Systeme GmbH,Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft
- Current Assignee: LuK Getriebe-Systeme GmbH,Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft
- Current Assignee Address: DEX Buhl/Baden DEX Stuttgart
- Priority: DEX19714638 19970409
- Main IPC: F16D48/02
- IPC: F16D48/02 ; B60W10/00 ; B60W10/02 ; B60W40/12 ; B60W50/08 ; F16D48/06 ; F16H63/46 ; B60K23/00
The power train of a motor vehicle has an automated clutch which can transmit torque from a prime mover to a transmission in response to signals from an electronic control unit. The latter causes the clutch to transmit a constant torque during a first interval, to thereupon transmit a gently varying torque during a second interval if the operator of the motor vehicle fails to carry out certain necessary operations prior to elapse of the first interval, and to thereafter transmit a pronouncedly varying torque during a third interval if no remedial undertakings were completed during the second interval. The third interval is cut short if the engine tends to choke, and the full or shortened third interval can be followed by a fourth interval corresponding to the first interval or by a further interval corresponding to the second interval.
Public/Granted literature
- US5463557A Roving machine Public/Granted day:1995-10-31
Information query