A molten salt nuclear reactor a neutron moderator core that has an inner region that defines channels of a first diameter separated by a first pitch and, an outer region that defines channels of a second diameter separated by a second pitch. The first diameter is larger than the second diameter and the first pitch is larger than the second pitch. This configuration allows for an increased capture of neutrons by fertile elements in the outer region. That is, less neutrons are lost to the outside of the core. The configuration is such that the neutron multiplication factor is larger than one in the inner portion and lower than one in the outer portion.
A nuclear fission reactor comprising a core, a pool of coolant liquid, and a heat exchanger. The core comprises an array of hollow tubes which contain molten salts of fissile isotopes. The tube array is at least partly immersed in the pool of coolant liquid. The tube array comprises a critical region, where the density of the fissile isotopes during operation of the reactor is sufficient to cause a self-sustaining fission reaction. Heat transfer from the molten salts of fissile isotopes to the tubes is achieved by any one or more of natural convection of the molten salts, mechanical stirring of the molten salts, and oscillating fuel salt flow within the tubes. The molten salts of fissile isotopes are contained entirely within the tubes during operation of the reactor.
This disclosure describes nuclear fuel salts usable in certain molten salt reactor designs and related systems and methods. Binary, ternary and quaternary chloride fuel salts of uranium, as well as other fissionable elements, are described. In addition, fuel salts of UClxFy are disclosed as well as bromide fuel salts. This disclosure also presents methods and systems for manufacturing such fuel salts, for creating salts that reduce corrosion of the reactor components and for creating fuel salts that are not suitable for weapons applications.
Disclosed embodiments include nuclear fission reactor cores, nuclear fission reactors, methods of operating a nuclear fission reactor, and methods of managing excess reactivity in a nuclear fission reactor.
Disclosed embodiments include nuclear fission reactor cores, nuclear fission reactors, methods of operating a nuclear fission reactor, and methods of managing excess reactivity in a nuclear fission reactor.
Steam generators are in the form of tubular heat exchangers in which molten lead coolant flows within the pipes, while the water-steam flows in a space between the pipes, the steam generators are arranged in separate boxes and communicate with the reactor cavity by means of circulation conduits for raising and discharging the lead coolant, the steam generators and most of the circulation conduits and are arranged higher than the level of the lead coolant within the reactor cavity, and the circulation pumps are arranged within the reactor cavity on the circulation conduits and for raising the “hot” lead coolant, and a technical means is provided for ensuring natural circulation of the lead coolant through the reactor core when the circulation pumps are switched off. The specific volume of lead coolant per unit of power of the reactor is reduced and the safety of the reactor is increased.
The invention relates to the field of nuclear technology, and specifically to a method for the in situ passivation of steel surfaces. The method consists in installing, in a position intended for a regular core, a core simulator in the form of a model of the core, which models the shape thereof, the relative position of the core components, and also the mass characteristics thereof; next, the reactor is filled with a heavy liquid metal heat transfer medium, the heat transfer medium is heated to a temperature which provides for the conditions of passivation, and in situ passivation is carried out in two stages, the first of which includes an isothermal passivation mode in conformity with the conditions determined for this stage, and the second mode includes non-isothermal passivation, which is carried out under different conditions, after which the core simulator is removed and the regular core is installed in the place thereof. The method provides for the corrosion-resistance of steel elements in a heavy liquid metal heat transfer medium environment and permits a decrease in the maximum rate of oxygen consumption during the initial period of operation of a nuclear actor.
A nuclear fission reactor comprising a core, a pool of coolant liquid, and a heat exchanger. The core comprises an array of hollow tubes which contain molten salts of fissile isotopes. The tube array is at least partly immersed in the pool of coolant liquid. The tube array comprises a critical region, where the density of the fissile isotopes during operation of the reactor is sufficient to cause a self-sustaining fission reaction. Heat transfer from the molten salts of fissile isotopes to the tubes is achieved by any one or more of natural convection of the molten salts, mechanical stirring of the molten salts, and oscillating fuel salt flow within the tubes. The molten salts of fissile isotopes are contained entirely within the tubes during operation of the reactor.
A nuclear reactor comprising a housing having disposed therein an active region that contains a bundle of rod-type fuel elements enclosed in a tubular shell and submerged in a primary coolant that circulates between the active region and at least one heat exchanger. In order to reduce the level of pressure of gaseous fission fragments accumulating below the fuel element shell and to enable the most uniform possible distribution of the velocity field of the primary coolant at the inlet to the active part of the fuel elements, said fuel elements are provided in their upper parts with active portions, which are filled with fuel, and hollow working portions, which are situated below said active portions.
The present invention relates generally to the field of cooling systems and/or methods for cooling a heated, fissioning, or exothermic solution. In one embodiment, the present invention relates to a cooling system, and method of utilizing same, for cooling a heated, fissioning, or exothermic solution that utilizes submerged cooling coils where the system of the present invention relies on a combination of multiple factors to achieve the desired effect. In one embodiment, the present invention relates to a cooling system, and method of utilizing same, for cooling a heated, fissioning, or exothermic solution that utilizes submerged cooling coils where the system of the present invention relies on the combination of: (i) cooling coil geometry; (ii) cooling coil location and design; and (iii) cooling coil operational pressure.