Integrated circuits are provided that have volatile memory elements. The memory elements produce output signals. The integrated circuits may be programmable logic device integrated circuits containing programmable core logic including transistors with gates. The core logic is powered using a core logic power supply level defined by a core logic positive power supply voltage and a core logic ground voltage. When loaded with configuration data, the memory elements produce output signals that are applied to the gates of the transistors in the core logic to customize the programmable logic device. The memory elements are powered with a memory element power supply level defined by a memory element positive power supply voltage and a memory element ground power supply voltage. The memory element power supply level is elevated with respect to the core logic power supply level.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic devices are provided with hotsocket detection circuitry. The hotsocket detection circuitry monitors signals on data pins and power supply voltages. If the data pins become active before the power supply voltages have reached appropriate levels, a hotsocket condition is identified. When a hotsocket condition is identified, driver circuitry on the integrated circuit can be disabled by a hotsocket signal. Conductive paths may be used to share hotsocket detectors among multiple blocks of input-output circuitry.
Integrated circuits such as programmable logic devices are provided with hotsocket detection circuitry. The hotsocket detection circuitry monitors signals on data pins and power supply voltages. If the data pins become active before the power supply voltages have reached appropriate levels, a hotsocket condition is identified. When a hotsocket condition is identified, driver circuitry on the integrated circuit can be disabled by a hotsocket signal. Conductive paths may be used to share hotsocket detectors among multiple blocks of input-output circuitry.
A system and method for creating a test environment on a computer system using an application programming interface (API) is provided. The system and method further let an operator restore the tested computer system to its pre-test configuration after testing is completed. The system and method use an XML based syntax for defining the environment on the computer system. In addition, test parameters and data are defined by the XML syntax. When testing is completed, the XML syntax is used to restore the computer system to its pre-test configuration.