Oscillatory crossflow membrane separation apparatus and methods are disclosed for effluent treatment. The apparatus include a membrane module with a housing containing a membrane element, said module having an input for receiving effluent for treatment and a treated effluent output. A crossflow pump is connected for moving oscillating fluid through the membrane module and a feed pressure pump is connected with the membrane module for applying membrane operating pressure. A fluid oscillator is active with either pump for pulsating fluid received thereat.
An electrocoagulation apparatus is disclosed integrated with a plate clarifier and sludge chamber for effluent treatment. The clarifier includes first and second tanks, an electrocoagulation reactor positioned in the first tank. The sludge chamber is defined below and integrated with the primary reaction chamber and has a selectively openable outlet.
Apparatus and methods are disclosed for uptake and transport of particulate matter in a gas stream. The apparatus includes a receiver for the particulate matter connected with a gravity feed input channel assembly with a passive metering orifice therein. An in-line aeration and distribution chamber assembly is connected with an outlet from the input channel assembly and includes a chamber with plural discrete gas intake passageways opening thereinto. An outlet channel exits the chamber and is connectable with a vacuum suction source for directing a gas stream having the particulate matter entrained therein from the apparatus.
Apparatus and methods for enhanced electrocoagulation processing using enhanced membrane aeration are disclosed for effluent treatment. The apparatus has an enrichment means for establishing an ion rich air/gas stream and a membrane aerator for receiving the ionized air/gas stream and effluent to be treated. An ionized air/gas rich effluent feed stream flows out of the membrane aerator and is received at an electrocoagulation processing assembly for diffused ion enhanced electrocoagulation treatment.
Electrocoagulation effluent treatment apparatus and methods are disclosed, the apparatus including a primary electrocoagulation reactor chamber having treatment electrodes maintained therein and an effluent inlet and treated effluent outlet. An integrated flotation chamber is located above the reaction chamber, a vacuum device connectable with a vacuum source being received in the flotation chamber and including a foam intake and an output. A sludge chamber is defined below and integrated with the primary reaction chamber and has a settled sludge output.
Oscillatory crossflow membrane separation apparatus and methods are disclosed for effluent treatment. The apparatus include a membrane module with a housing containing a membrane element, said module having an input for receiving effluent for treatment and a treated effluent output. A crossflow pump is connected for moving oscillating fluid through the membrane module and a feed pressure pump is connected with the membrane module for applying membrane operating pressure. A fluid oscillator is active with either pump for pulsating fluid received thereat.
Apparatus and methods are disclosed for mechanical axial vibration in membrane separation treatment processes. The apparatus includes a separation membrane element having an axial dimension, a membrane support structure having the element therein, and means for vibrating the membrane element (hydrodynamically or using motors) in the axial dimension.
A mobile liquid treatment station and operation methods are disclosed, the station having a mobile treatment unit and separate mobile treatment management unit. A plurality of serial containment compartments at the treatment unit for performance of chemical dosing and solids separation are provided and are monitored with sensors. The management unit includes a plurality of chemical dosing platforms, and a power and processing assembly. A bus links the units for data and control signal transfer and chemical feed lines are connected between the units for transfer of dosing chemicals.
A mobile liquid treatment station and operation methods are disclosed, the station having a mobile treatment unit and separate mobile treatment management unit. A plurality of serial containment compartments at the treatment unit for performance of chemical dosing and solids separation are provided and are monitored with sensors. The management unit includes a plurality of chemical dosing platforms, and a power and processing assembly. A bus links the units for data and control signal transfer and chemical feed lines are connected between the units for transfer of dosing chemicals.
Apparatus and method are disclosed for integrated waste foam/gas evacuation from an electrocoagulation unit. The electrocoagulation unit has a primary electrocoagulation reaction chamber with processing electrodes maintained therein. A flotation chamber is integrated above the reaction chamber and a vacuum hood is affixed over the flotation chamber. A vacuum nozzle device is connectable with a vacuum source and received through the hood and in the flotation chamber, a height adjustable foam intake provided at one end of the nozzle.