Applicant: Marcus Pfeifle , Tobias Popp
Inventor: Marcus Pfeifle , Tobias Popp
IPC: B05C1/06
Abstract: An apparatus and a method for applying a liquid active substance to surfaces moving in a circulating manner, such as of cylinders, rolls, fabrics or other moving webs, consisting of a metering unit and an application unit. The active substance is conducted to the application unit by the metering unit, and the application unit has a pad with an open-pore mesh structure for receiving and storing the active substance and for applying the active substance as a film as a function of the degree of saturation and the contact pressure of the pad on the moving surface. Also, the use of the apparatus for keeping moving surfaces free from deposits, accumulations or contaminants.
Abstract translation: 一种用于将液体活性物质施加到以循环方式移动的表面的装置和方法,例如由计量单元和应用单元组成的圆柱体,辊,织物或其它移动腹板。 活性物质通过计量单元传送到施用单元,并且施用单元具有用于接收和储存活性物质并用作将活性物质作为膜的程度的函数的开孔网状结构的垫 的饱和度以及垫在移动表面上的接触压力。 此外,使用该装置保持运动表面没有沉积物,积聚物或污染物。
Applicant: Marcus Pfeifle , Tobias Popp
Inventor: Marcus Pfeifle , Tobias Popp
Abstract: An apparatus and a method for applying a liquid active substance to surfaces moving in a circulating manner, such as of cylinders, rolls, fabrics or other moving webs, consisting of a metering unit and an application unit. The active substance is conducted to the application unit by the metering unit, and the application unit has a pad with an open-pore mesh structure for receiving and storing the active substance and for applying the active substance as a film as a function of the degree of saturation and the contact pressure of the pad on the moving surface. Also, the use of the apparatus for keeping moving surfaces free from deposits, accumulations or contaminants.
Abstract translation: 一种用于将液体活性物质施加到以循环方式移动的表面的装置和方法,例如由计量单元和应用单元组成的圆柱体,辊,织物或其它移动腹板。 活性物质通过计量单元传送到施用单元,并且施用单元具有用于接收和储存活性物质并用作将活性物质作为膜的程度的函数的开孔网状结构的垫 的饱和度以及垫在移动表面上的接触压力。 此外,使用该装置保持运动表面没有沉积物,积聚物或污染物。