A method and apparatus for detecting displacement of an object using navigator echoes is presented. For motion that is linear in 3D, a linear regression on k-space data is performed by fitting a straight line to the motion-induced phase shift using a k-space weighted least squares minimization to find the displacement. For general motion due to rotation, dilation, and displacement, a rotation angle and dilation scaling factors are determined from the magnitude k-space data by a weighted least squares minimization. A displacement vector is then obtained from the phase data in k-space using a weighted least squares minimization. The weighting factor takes into account that the noise in k-space is inversely proportional to the signal to noise ration. For motion of coronary arteries, the k-space data is acquired in one embodiment using selective volumetric excitation and sampling the resulting excited signal with a trajectory sensitized to the motion of interest.
Current bolus chase magnetic resonance angiography is limited by the imaging time for each station. Tailoring the density of k-space sampling along the anterior-posterior direction of the coronal station allows a substantial decrease in scan time that leads to greater contrast bolus sharing among stations and consequently a significant improvement in image quality. Fast arterial-venous transit in the carotid arteries requires accurate, reliable timing of the acquisition to the bolus transit to maximize arterial signal and minimize venous artifacts. The rising edge of the bolus is not utilized in conventional elliptical-centric view ordering because the critical k-space center must be acquired with full arterial enhancement. The invention provides a recessed elliptical-centric view ordering scheme is introduced in which the k-space center is acquired a few seconds following scan initiation. The recessed view ordering is shown to be more robust to timing errors in a patient studies.
An efficient navigator method is presented that substantially increases the scan efficiency while maintaining the motion suppression effectiveness in magnetic resonance imaging. The method is achieved by simultaneously acquiring different image volumes at different motion states of the subject being scanned. A scheduling algorithm is used to assign volumes to position bins of a motion histogram of the subject. The motion histogram is periodically updated and the volumes are reassigned to position bins.