A method including a process by which a first digital image of the document is obtained. A second digital image of a document is retrieved from a computer, a mobile device, a computer network or by imaging of a second document. The method includes calculating the transformation between the first and second digital images such as geometrical distortion, local brightness and contrast differences and blurring due to the optical imaging process. The method estimates the parameters of these transformations so that the transformations can be applied to one of the images, rendering it as similar as possible to the other image. The method further compares the two images in order to find differences such as addition, deletion or changing of characters or words.The method further displays the differences on a display such as a computer screen or mobile device screen or reports to the user that the two documents are identical.
Method for presenting an image, exhibiting a dynamic range, the method including the procedures of determining the dynamic range of the image, determining a color space configuration including more than one cycle of a color space, applying the color space configuration to the dynamic range, and displaying the image to a user, according to the color space configuration
A method including a process by which a first digital image of the document is obtained. A second digital image of a document is retrieved from a computer, a mobile device, a computer network or by imaging of a second document. The method includes calculating the transformation between the first and second digital images such as geometrical distortion, local ‘brightness and contrast differences and blurring due to the optical imaging process. The method estimates the parameters of these transformations so that the transformations can be applied to one of the images, rendering it as similar as possible to the other image. The method further compares the two images in order to find differences such as addition, deletion or changing of characters or words.The method further displays the differences on a display such as a computer screen or mobile device screen or reports to the user that the two documents are identical.
Method for presenting an image, exhibiting a dynamic range, the method including the procedures of determining the dynamic range of the image, determining a color space configuration including more than one cycle of a color space, applying the color space configuration to the dynamic range, and displaying the image to a user, according to the color space configuration.
A method for enhancing the accuracy of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms by detection of differences between a digital image of a document and a text file corresponding to the digital image, created by the OCR algorithm.The method includes calculating the transformation between the first and second digital images such as geometrical distortion, local brightness and contrast differences and blurring due to the optical imaging process. The method estimates the parameters of these transformations so that the transformations can be applied to at least one of the images, rendering it as similar as possible to the other image. The method further compares the two images in order to find differences. The method further displays the differences on a display device and analyzes the differences. The analysis results are fed back to the OCR algorithm.
A method for enhancing the accuracy of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms by detection of differences between a digital image of a document and a text file corresponding to the digital image, created by the OCR algorithm.The method includes calculating the transformation between the first and second digital images such as geometrical distortion, local brightness and contrast differences and blurring due to the optical imaging process. The method estimates the parameters of these transformations so that the transformations can be applied to at least one of the images, rendering it as similar as possible to the other image. The method further compares the two images in order to find differences. The method further displays the differences on a display device and analyzes the differences. The analysis results are fed back to the OCR algorithm.