An electrochemical cell having a lithium or lithium alloy anode, a solid cathode, and a nonaqueous, liquid electrolyte, includes an amount of a potassium salt which is effective to lower the open circuit voltage of the cell without causing any significant detrimental effects such as corrosion of the anode or self discharge of the cell. More specifically, the electrolyte comprises one or more organic solvents, an electrochemically active amount of one or more primary salts, and more than about 0.001 mol/l of one or more potassium salt additives which achieve the desired open circuit voltage without any harmful effects on the cell. The potassium salt additives have also been found to enhance load voltage on the first 50% depth of discharge, indicating improved rate performance.
Elemental carbon with or without added oxygen functionality is chemically modified with covalently bonded nitrogen-containing groups to provide novel, high performance elemental carbons for electrochemical cells, including electrodes for energy consuming cells, and especially energy producing cells like lithium-oxyhalide high energy-density batteries, alkaline batteries, and the like.