A revetment block for reducing the energy of water flowing over a levee. The revetment blocks each have a tapered top surface that tapers upwardly from a downstream end of the block to an upstream end of the block. The upwardly tapered top surface terminates in an abrupt downward transition edge. When plural tapered top blocks are installed together in a mat on a surface of the levee, the oncoming water surge encounters the many abrupt transition edges and reduces the energy of the water surge. The tapered top revetment blocks can be installed on the water side of the levee, or on the land side of the levee, or both sides.
An erosion control block having registration ribs and slots on opposite edge surfaces to align neighbor blocks together in a cabled mat of blocks. The blocks have a pair of parallel cable channels therethrough, as well as a single orthogonal cable channel formed therethrough. With this arrangement, the blocks are versatile and can be configured in a mat of side-by-side blocks, or in a mat of staggered blocks. Neighbor mats can be easily fastened together. The parallel cable channels are formed through the block at a location adjacent an articulation edge so that when a mat of cabled blocks are lifted in a catenary, the articulation between blocks is facilitated.
A concrete revetment block having interlocking arms and sockets and an array of vegetation holes. Two arms and two sockets are formed in the block to provide interlocking capabilities with neighbor blocks of a mat. One arm of the block is constructed with a partial thickness and one socket is constructed with a partial depth, thereby providing vertical interlocking capabilities with the neighbor blocks. An array of holes is formed through the block to allow vegetation to grow therethrough. Various holes are located in the block to allow easy grasping of the block by a workman for lifting the same. The holes are formed in the core square of the block, with respective diameters related to the thickness of the block to maximize the hydraulic stability of the block.
A method and system for determining an optimal placement order for code portions within a module to improve locality of reference and reduce the working set of the module are provided. The optimal placement order for code portions within a module reflects the concurrency of usage for code portions during execution of the module. All code portions which execute within a certain period of time are placed in close proximity to each other within the executable module. When determining the optimal placement order for each code portion, the present invention executes an instrumented version of the module to collect execution data for each code portion, analyzes the execution data to determine the optimal placement order for each code portion, and links the code portions according to the determined optimal placement order. The instrumented version of the module contains instructions that, when executed, cause execution data to be recorded. When the code portions are linked according to the determined optimal placement order, the working set for the module is reduced, thereby lessening page and cache misses and improving overall system performance. To collect execution data, a preferred embodiment of the present invention creates a bit vector for each code portion in the module. Each bit vector contains multiple bits such that each bit represents a unique time interval. Upon each invocation of a code portion within a time interval, the bit vector for the invoked code portion is located and the bit that represents the time interval is set to 1.
Disclosed is a universal mold having removable arm members and socket members that can be configured to fabricate the border blocks, the corner blocks and the interior blocks.
A revetment block with a top surface that is tapered upwardly from the upstream end to the downstream end. Thus, when a number of tapered blocks are installed end to end on a grade, the upstream end of any of the blocks can be raised due to underlying ground irregularities without degrading the safety factor of the blocks. The tapered revetment blocks can also be constructed with positive interlocking arms and sockets to enhance the integrity of a matrix of such blocks.
An erosion control block of octagonal shape, having a pair of arms extending from a peripheral side edge thereof, and a pair of cavities formed in the block with openings to the peripheral side edge. The block interlocks with other similar blocks and provides an effective interlocked matrix of such blocks. The arms have enlarged ends that loosely fit within the cavities, thereby allowing rotation about a vertical axis of one block with regard to another block. When two blocks are interlocked and rotated to the fullest extent, peripheral edges of the blocks abut, thereby placing a radial tension strain on the neck of the arm, rather than a lateral strain, thereby reducing the possibility of breakage of the arms.