An on-chip temperature sensor circuit can be implemented in a standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process using PNP transistors. A pair of transistors have collector currents that are sensitive to voltage, both directly and due to saturation currents. A scaling resistor connects to the emitter of one transistor and its voltage compared to the other transistor's emitter voltage by an error amplifier that generates a bias voltage to current sources that are proportional to absolute temperature since the saturation current sensitivity is subtracted out. The current is mirrored to sink current through a multiplier resistor from an output. An amplifier connected across the multiplier resistor compares a reference voltage to set the DC bias independent of temperature sensitivity. The temperature sensitivity is proportional to the ratio of the multiplier resistor and the scaling resistor, and is multiplied by a mirroring factor. A differential output may also be provided.
An on-chip temperature sensor circuit can be implemented in a standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process using PNP transistors. A pair of transistors have collector currents that are sensitive to voltage, both directly and due to saturation currents. A scaling resistor connects to the emitter of one transistor and its voltage compared to the other transistor's emitter voltage by an error amplifier that generates a bias voltage to current sources that are proportional to absolute temperature since the saturation current sensitivity is subtracted out. The current is mirrored to sink current through a multiplier resistor from an output. An amplifier connected across the multiplier resistor compares a reference voltage to set the DC bias independent of temperature sensitivity. The temperature sensitivity is proportional to the ratio of the multiplier resistor and the scaling resistor, and is multiplied by a mirroring factor. A differential output may also be provided.
A motor driver circuit for driving the gate node of a high-side driver transistor to a boosted voltage from a charge pump draws little or no static current from the charge pump. The gate node is pulled to the boosted voltage by a p-channel pullup-control transistor that is driven by p-channel transistors that are pumped by capacitors that cut off current flow to ground from the charge pump. An n-channel output-shorting transistor shorts the gate node to the output when the high-side driver is turned off. A coupling capacitor initializes the shorting transistor for each output transition. A p-channel output-sensing transistor generates a feedback to a second stage that drives the coupling capacitor. P-channel diode transistors and an n-channel equalizing transistor control the voltage on the coupling capacitor.
A Optical Black Pixel (OBP) cancellation circuit corrects offsets in sensors in a CCD/CMOS image sensor when reading dark pixels such at the periphery. A pixel voltage is switched to a sampling capacitor during two phases of the same pixel pulse. Sampling capacitors and feedback capacitors connect to differential inputs of an amplifier. An accumulating capacitor accumulates voltage differences and generates a common-mode voltage that is fed back to another sampling capacitor that stores an amplifier offset. The sampling capacitor and accumulating capacitor and their associated switches form a discrete-time first-order low-pass filter that filters the pixel voltage during the first phase. In the second phase the amplifier acts as a unity-gain amplifier to output an average of the pixel voltage differences generated during an OBP time when blackened or covered pixels are read from the image sensor.
A motor driver circuit for driving the gate node of a high-side driver transistor to a boosted voltage from a charge pump draws little or no static current from the charge pump. The gate node is pulled to the boosted voltage by a p-channel pullup-control transistor that is driven by p-channel transistors that are pumped by capacitors that cut off current flow to ground from the charge pump. An n-channel output-shorting transistor shorts the gate node to the output when the high-side driver is turned off. A coupling capacitor initializes the shorting transistor for each output transition. A p-channel output-sensing transistor generates a feedback to a second stage that drives the coupling capacitor. P-channel diode transistors and an n-channel equalizing transistor control the voltage on the coupling capacitor.
A Optical Black Pixel (OBP) cancellation circuit corrects offsets in sensors in a CCD/CMOS image sensor when reading dark pixels such at the periphery. A pixel voltage is switched to a sampling capacitor during two phases of the same pixel pulse. Sampling capacitors and feedback capacitors connect to differential inputs of an amplifier. An accumulating capacitor accumulates voltage differences and generates a common-mode voltage that is fed back to another sampling capacitor that stores an amplifier offset. The sampling capacitor and accumulating capacitor and their associated switches form a discrete-time first-order low-pass filter that filters the pixel voltage during the first phase. In the second phase the amplifier acts as a unity-gain amplifier to output an average of the pixel voltage differences generated during an OBP time when blackened or covered pixels are read from the image sensor.
A visible setting comprises a setting base and one or more gemstones or diamonds. The setting base comprises one or more upper fixing portions and a lower connection portion, each fixing portion is fixed to a girdle of a gemstone or diamond at certain fixing points to enable to fix the gemstone or diamond in its setting position. Except for the fixing points, the rest of the girdle, a crown and a table of the gemstone or diamond are exposed, and a pavilion of the gemstone or diamond is suspended, and thereby a culet of the gemstone or diamond and part of the pavilion around the culet are displaced away from the setting base to enable to be exposed, which enables external light to enter into the gemstone or diamond from the crown, the table and the exposed part of the pavilion. The present visible setting could enhance the reflection of light within the gemstones or diamonds, and make the gemstones or diamonds as brilliant as possible.