Meta-packets are used to more efficiently reassemble packets and to more efficiently conduct other packet processing operations. The meta-packets are special types of packets which are interpreted by hardware in a queuing system. Instead of directly containing data, the meta-packet packets contain instructions for building a desired packet from various identifiable storage locations in the packet processor system. Because the reassembled packet replaces the meta-packet, packet ordering is preserved.
A resource interconnect architecture and associated descriptor protocol provides more efficient communication between different resources in a data processing system. One embodiment uses a backdoor interconnect that allows some resources to communicate without using a central resource interconnect. Another embodiment uses nested descriptors that allow operations by different resources to be chained together without having to communicate back to an originating descriptor resource. In another embodiment, the descriptors are generated in hardware or in software. Other embodiments assign priority or privilege values to the descriptors that optimize processing and error handling performance.
A scaffold for ergonomic positioning and reliable support of foot-control pedals of musical instruments is disclosed. The scaffold includes a three-walled channel for engaging the distal portion of the base of typical known keyboard control pedals. The scaffold is securely positioned for optimal foot access on the floor by means of a fixation socket which is engages an adjacent floor tube of a typical stand. The foot-pedal channel is adapted to engage the typical pedal base by friction and interference clamping to support its active elements at an ergonomic height and angular orientation during an energetic live performance with the keyboard player sitting and standing during different portions.
An air deflecting cargo shield is provided including a vehicle with a roof. The roof has a mounting mechanism for carrying a load such a ladder. A shield is mounted to a front extent of the roof of the vehicle. A retractable canvas assembly is situated adjacent to a top of the shield.