A power supply assembly which can drive a number of different devices at different voltages. A rack holds a number of breaker modules, and each breaker module can connect to one or many breakout boxes. The breakout boxes are keyed to the breaker modules, so that the breaker boxes will not be energized with power unless they are the proper voltage and/or configuration to receive that power. The coil of a contactor in the breaker module is powered by a key wire that is connected through specified pins in the breakout box. Therefore, no power is ever provided to the breakout box unless it is of the proper voltage configuration. In addition, feeder power to the power supply assembly is provided over bolted connections, without any wire connections between the power feed and the circuit breaker.
A power supply assembly which can drive a number of different devices at different voltages. A rack holds a number of breaker modules, and each breaker module can connect to one or many breakout boxes. The breakout boxes are keyed to the breaker modules, so that the breaker boxes will not be energized with power unless they are the proper voltage and/or configuration to receive that power. The coil of a contactor in the breaker module is powered by a key wire that is connected through specified pins in the breakout box. Therefore, no power is ever provided to the breakout box unless it is of the proper voltage configuration. In addition, feeder power to the power supply assembly is provided over bolted connections, without any wire connections between the power feed and the circuit breaker.
A power supply assembly which can drive a number of different devices at different voltages. A rack holds a number of breaker modules, and each breaker module can connect to one or many breakout boxes. The breakout boxes are keyed to the breaker modules, so that the breaker boxes will not be energized with power unless they are the proper voltage and/or configuration to receive that power. The coil of a contactor in the breaker module is powered by a key wire that is connected through specified pins in the breakout box. Therefore, no power is ever provided to the breakout box unless it is of the proper voltage configuration. In addition, feeder power to the power supply assembly is provided over bolted connections, without any wire connections between the power feed and the circuit breaker.
A power supply assembly which can drive a number of different devices at different voltages. A rack holds a number of breaker modules, and each breaker module can connect to one or many breakout boxes. The breakout boxes are keyed to the breaker modules, so that the breaker boxes will not be energized with power unless they are the proper voltage and/or configuration to receive that power. The coil of a contactor in the breaker module is powered by a key wire that is connected through specified pins in the breakout box. Therefore, no power is ever provided to the breakout box unless it is of the proper voltage configuration. In addition, feeder power to the power supply assembly is provided over bolted connections, without any wire connections between the power feed and the circuit breaker.
A cable testing assembly includes a plurality of different connectors thereon. The different connectors can be automatically used to automatically test a wire by coupling the cable between two different connectors. The testing then switches power to different pins in the connectors and automatically detests continuity and short-circuit among those connectors. The results can be displayed and/or printed on a label. In addition to the continuity test, the system can automatically detects things like wrong gauge, pin placement, links, and capacitance. The connectors can be arranged by power handling connectors, and signal handling connectors.