Ventilator for Supplying Breathable Gas to a Patient, and a Noise Reduction Method for Said Ventilator
    Ventilator for Supplying Breathable Gas to a Patient, and a Noise Reduction Method for Said Ventilator 审中-公开





    Abstract: A ventilator for supplying breathable gas to a patient includes an external housing; an internal housing suspended within; a gas flow generator within said internal housing; a gas inlet conduit extending between a first gas inlet opening in said external housing and a second gas inlet opening in said internal housing, and a gas outlet conduit extending from a first gas outlet opening in the internal housing via a second gas outlet opening in the external housing and to a patient interface means adapted for introducing the breathable gas into the airway of said patient. One or both of the gas inlet and outlet conduits exhibit a first substantially rigid conduit section and a second membrane conduit section with a membrane wall portion separating a volume of breathable gas within the gas inlet conduit and/or gas outlet conduit from a volume of ambient air within the external housing.

    Abstract translation: 用于向患者提供透气气体的呼吸机包括外壳; 内部住房暂停; 所述内部壳体内的气流发生器; 在所述外部壳体中的第一气体入口和所述内部壳体中的第二气体入口之间延伸的气体入口导管,以及从所述内部壳体中的第一气体出口开口经由所述内部壳体中的第二气体出口开口延伸出的气体出口导管 外部壳体和适于将可呼吸气体引入所述患者的气道中的患者接口装置。 气体入口和出口导管中的一个或两个显示出第一基本上刚性的导管部分和第二膜导管部分,其中膜壁部分将气体入口导管和/或气体出口导管内的一定量的可呼吸气体与一定体积的环境 外部空气中的空气。

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