A master oscillator operating in the MHz range for supplying a signal suitable for providing the notes of the musical scale, the various note signals being arrived at by frequency division of the master frequency. The oscillator has a high order of frequency stability together with ease of control for shifting the frequency to supply vibrato, portamento, trill, transposition features and the like. Control is exercised by incorporating a voltage-variable capacitance diode, ''''Varicap,'''' as an effective element in the oscillator tank and varying the diode bias. Features provide for isolation of the bias voltage from the main tank circuit, a zero-bias condition at the true frequency, and a novel comparison tuning system using a slightly off-pitch tuning reference standard for obtaining true pitch.
A synthesis-type organ with direct current keying, envelope shaping and individual harmonic scaling particularly adapted to be compatible with frequency divider and MOSFET integrated circuit techniques. A DC voltage is scaled to several appropriate selected levels for the fundamental and individual harmonics and chopped by tone signals for the fundamental and selected harmonics to provide a collection of appropriately scaled square wave signals at the chopping frequencies. These square waves are individually keyed with appropriate envelope control through band pass sine filters adapted to reject all but the fundamentals of the keyed signals. The filtered outputs are mixed to supply output musical signals of appropriate harmonic quality having a desirable attack and decay envelope.