A method for the management of a Workcell System capable to control concurrent processes that use pieces of equipment, here called Resources, interacting with each other according to the needs and the changes that have not been forecast in advance in their process cycles, by means of a continuous real-time re-scheduling of automatic tasks. According to an embodiment, the method for the management of Workcell Systems, using an Automation Management System to control a plurality of Resources, designated to handle Samples along the Workcell Systems to perform operations on the Samples, includes associating a Sample Protocol to each Sample, associating to each Resource a Resource Driver, controlling the Resource Drivers by a Process Controller which communicates with the Resource Drivers by means of variables associated to each Resource, executing the Sample Protocols by the Process Controller in a concurrent way, and automatically modifying the Sample Protocols by continuously re-scheduling automatic tasks on different Resources, according to the results of the execution of the Sample Protocols and the status of the Resources, as indicated by the status of the variables, and thus obtaining an intelligent and reactive control of the workflow, automatically and dynamically taking the appropriate decisions.