Applicant: Christopher Jason Tremblay , Pascal Bécheiraz , Rick Charles Champagne , Valentin Ivanov , Daniel Jetté , Paul Legomski , Shawn Lipstein , Vladimir Makarov
Inventor: Christopher Jason Tremblay , Pascal Bécheiraz , Rick Charles Champagne , Valentin Ivanov , Daniel Jetté , Paul Legomski , Shawn Lipstein , Vladimir Makarov
IPC: G06K9/00
CPC classification number: G06K9/00402 , G06K9/00476
Abstract: A drawing assistance system enhances a sketch drawn by a user in an electrical document on a computer system by collecting stroke data from one or more strokes of a sketch as a user draws the sketch. The stroke data includes time-based information and features of each stroke. The strokes are handled based on the time-based information, and analysed based on the strokes handled based on the time-based information. The sketch is enhanced based on results of the analysis.
Abstract translation: 绘图辅助系统通过在用户绘制草图时通过从草图的一个或多个笔画收集笔触数据来增强用户在计算机系统上的电子文档中绘制的草图。 笔画数据包括基于时间的信息和每个笔画的特征。 基于时间信息处理笔画,并且基于基于时间信息处理的笔划进行分析。 基于分析结果增强了草图。