Transport clip





    Abstract: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a transport clip showing our new design;
    FIG. 2 is a front view thereof;
    FIG. 3 is a rear view thereof;
    FIG. 4 is a right side view thereof;
    FIG. 5 is a left side view thereof;
    FIG. 6 is a top view thereof; and,
    FIG. 7 is a bottom view thereof.
    The broken line showing of portions of the transport clip in FIGS. 1-7 is for the purpose of illustrating environmental structure and forms no part of the claimed design.

    Apparatus and Method for Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Analysis and Heart Block Detection





    Abstract: Systems and methods for identifying one or more P-waves in real-time are disclosed. Exemplary implementations may: receive a plurality of signals from an ECG lead configured to be connected with a patient; determine a noise level of the plurality of signals during a pre-determined time interval; identify a plurality of QRS-complex candidates from the received plurality of signals; extract one or more features from each QRS-complex candidate based on the determined noise level of the plurality of signals; cluster, based on the extracted one or more features from each QRS-complex candidate, the plurality of QRS-complex candidates; and identify one or more P-waves from the clustered plurality of QRS-complex candidates. Based on the identified one or more P-waves, a heart block event can be detected.

    Cryoprobe construction
    Cryoprobe construction 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    CPC classification number: A61B18/02

    Abstract: A cryoprobe particularly for the low temperature treatment of body organs particularly for use in body cavities such as adjacent a bladder comprises an elongated hollow shaft having an interior portion for the conduction of a cooling medium to an outer front probe portion and with an insulation formed around the coolant conduit and which also includes an observation optics which is mounted on the hollow shaft for viewing along the interior to the front portion of the probe. The front portion of the probe is disposed at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the hollow shaft. The hollow shaft is advantageously of oval shape and a hollow optics tube is mounted to extend through the oval shape shaft at the top portion thereof over concentrically arranged hollow tubes for the passage and return passage of cooling medium. The device also includes an outer hollow oval tube having a horizontal major axis which is extended on each side of the hollow shaft for the transmission of a scavenging agent in the space or channel between the outer hollow tube and the shaft.

    Abstract translation: 特别是用于身体器官的低温处理的特别用于身体腔体(例如邻近膀胱)的冷冻探针包括细长的中空轴,其具有用于将冷却介质传导到外前前探头部分的内部部分,以及周围形成的绝缘体 冷却剂导管,并且还包括安装在中空轴上的观察光学元件,用于沿着探头前部的内部观察。 探针的前部设置成与中空轴的纵向轴线成一定角度。 空心轴有利地为椭圆形,并且中空的光学管安装成在其顶部处延伸穿过椭圆形轴,同心布置的中空管用于冷却介质的通过和返回通道。 该装置还包括具有水平长轴的外部中空椭圆形管,其在中空轴的每一侧延伸,用于在外部中空管和轴之间的空间或通道中传输扫气剂。

    Method of transporting babies in a heated incubator
    Method of transporting babies in a heated incubator 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    CPC classification number: A61G11/00

    Abstract: An incubator for transporting babies while keeping them, during the transportation, under a constant ambient temperature is thermally insulated on all sides and comprises in the interior receptacles containing a chemical compound preferably tetradecyl alcohol having a melting temperature between 30*-40*C and emitting latent heat when cooling down and crystallizing, this emitted heat being sufficient to compensate heat losses during transportation of the incubator and so to maintain the inner temperature for a certain time without heat supply. Before the transportation the chemical substance is melted by means of an electric heating device supplied from the outside and a thermostat keeps the inner temperature, before the transportation, slightly above the melting point of the substance.

    Abstract translation: 用于运输婴儿的同时保持它们的培养箱在运输期间在恒定的环境温度下是绝热的,并且在包含化学化合物的内部容器中包括优选十四烷醇,优选十四烷醇,其熔点在30-40℃之间, 当冷却和结晶时,潜热,这种放出的热量足以补偿培养箱运输过程中的热量损失,从而保持内部温度一段时间而不需要供热。 在运输之前,化学物质通过从外部供应的电加热装置熔化,并且恒温器在运输之前保持内部温度略高于物质的熔点。

    Cryoprobe and flexible connector therefor
    Cryoprobe and flexible connector therefor 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    Abstract: A heat insulated flexible connection for a cryoprobe comprises an inner tube for the passage of a cooling medium which is advantageously flexible and arranged within an outer tube portion defining a return flow space for the cooling medium and held in position by axially arranged spacers. The outer tubular portion is surrounded by a plurality of axially arranged insulation rings which have ends which may be loosely interengaged to permit flexible movement of the tube and which are shaped so as to space an outer cover from the outer tube which surrounds the inner cooling tube. The flexible tube is connectable to a probe which includes a tubular probe housing having an end which is closed and defines a probe contact surface. The inner tube of the flexible tube extends into the housing and terminates short of the surface in a space which defines an evaporation chamber adjacent the probe contact surface. A surrounding intermediate tube arranged within the housing around the inner tube defines a return flow space and also an insulation space between it and the outer housing. Heater means are contained in the housing which advantageously are located in the housing wall or in the tube surrounding the inner coolant supply tube.

    Abstract translation: 用于冷冻探针的隔热柔性连接器包括用于冷却介质通过的内管,所述内管有利地是柔性的并且布置在限定用于冷却介质的返回流动空间的外管部分内并且通过轴向布置的间隔件保持在适当位置。 外管状部分由多个轴向布置的绝缘环围绕,绝缘环可以松动地相互接合,以允许管的柔性移动,并且其形状使得外罩与围绕内冷却管的外管间隔开 。 柔性管可连接到探头,探头包括管状探针外壳,其具有封闭的端部并且限定探针接触表面。 柔性管的内管延伸到壳体中,并且在限定邻近探针接触表面的蒸发室的空间中终止于表面。 围绕内管布置在壳体内的周围中间管限定回流空间以及它与外壳之间的绝缘空间。 加热装置容纳在壳体中,其有利地位于壳体壁中或围绕内部冷却剂供应管的管中。

    Measuring device having means for applying a selected pressure to a measured vessel
    Measuring device having means for applying a selected pressure to a measured vessel 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    CPC classification number: G01N1/24

    Abstract: A measuring device comprises a connection mount for holding a measuring vessel, such as an open ended test tube on a connection of the mount which connects to a pressure chamber through a reversing valve. The reversing valve is also connected to a pump, such as a vacuum pump, to evacuate the pressure chamber. At least one pressure sensing device is connected to the chamber and to the reversing valve for selectively and alternately connecting the chamber to either the mount for communicating the pressure of the chamber to the measuring vessel or to the pump for communicating the chamber to the pump for evacuating the chamber.

    Abstract translation: 测量装置包括用于在通过反向阀连接到压力室的安装件的连接件上用于保持测量容器(例如开放式试管)的连接支架。 换向阀还连接到诸如真空泵的泵以抽空压力室。 至少一个压力感测装置连接到腔室和换向阀,用于选择性地和交替地将腔室连接到用于将腔室的压力传递到测量容器的安装件,或者连接到用于将腔室连通到泵的泵 疏散室。

    Device for measuring or detecting gas
    Device for measuring or detecting gas 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    CPC classification number: G01N1/24

    Abstract: A device for measuring or detecting gas comprises a mounting base having a sample connection for connecting an opened vessel thereto which is adapted to contain a sample to be tested. A container carries a collapsible bellows therein and the bellows has one wall which is common to a container wall. A reversing valve is connected to the container and also to a pump to selectively connect the pump to the container or connect the container to atmosphere. The container includes a check valve for permitting discharge of gas therefrom and a switch is actuated by movement of the bellows to switch the reversing valve in accordance with whether it is desired to have the pump or the atmosphere connected into the container. An under pressure measuring device is connected into the container and is also connected to the reversing valve to switch the valve in accordance with the pressure sensed in the bellows or the container. This control works in conjunction with the control which operates upon expansion and contraction of the bellows to operate the reversing valve.

    Abstract translation: 用于测量或检测气体的装置包括具有用于将打开的容器连接到其上的样品连接件的安装基座,其适于容纳待测样品。 容器在其中携带可折叠的波纹管,并且波纹管具有与容器壁共同的一个壁。 反向阀连接到容器,并且还连接到泵以选择性地将泵连接到容器或将容器连接到大气。 容器包括用于允许从其中排出气体的止回阀,并且通过波纹管的移动来致动开关,以根据是否希望将泵或大气连接到容器中来切换换向阀。 下压力测量装置连接到容器中,并且还连接到换向阀,以根据在波纹管或容器中感测到的压力来切换阀。 该控制与在波纹管膨胀和收缩时操作的控制器一起工作以操作换向阀。

    Expansion temperature sensing means, in particular for medical apparatus
    Expansion temperature sensing means, in particular for medical apparatus 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    CPC classification number: A61M16/18 G01K5/32

    Abstract: A temperature responsive device for controlling the flow of fluid particularly for medical devices, such as a breathing apparatus and a vaporizer for anaesthetics, comprises a housing which has a supply inlet for the gas and includes a chamber at its lower end which is adapted to contain a liquid such as an anaesthetic. The interior of the housing defines a first pressure compensating passage for the gas in which a part of the inflow of the gas flows through a spiral around a top portion of the housing and then down to a lower spiral defined around the fluid chamber for the liquid, such as the anaesthetic. A second partial gas flow passage extends in the form of a by-pass from the inlet through a valve passage to the outlet. Flow from the fluid chamber to the discharge are regulated by means of two concentric rearranged movable valve members, the first valve member containing the expansible means which is located in the anaesthetic material includes a surface which is spaced from a valve surface of the second movable member and which defines the flow passage from the fluid chamber to the outlet. The second movable member defines a flow passage with a fixed portion of the housing and it is biased in a downward direction against the housing but is movable against this biasing pressure to vary the passage in the by-pass line. In addition, this same second movable member defines a surface which, together with the first movable member, defines the control passage from the fluid chamber to the outlet.

    Abstract translation: 用于控制流体特别是用于诸如呼吸器和用于麻醉剂的蒸发器的医疗装置流动的温度响应装置包括具有用于气体的供应入口并且在其下端包括适于容纳 液体如麻醉剂。 壳体的内部限定了用于气体的第一压力补偿通道,其中气体的一部分流入围绕壳体的顶部部分的螺旋,然后下降到限定在流体室周围的液体的液体,用于液体 ,如麻醉剂。 第二部分气体流动通道从入口通过阀通道旁路的形式延伸到出口。 通过两个同心重新布置的可移动阀构件来调节从流体室到排出口的流动,包含位于麻醉材料中的可膨胀装置的第一阀构件包括与第二活动件的阀表面间隔开的表面 并且其限定从流体室到出口的流动通道。 第二可移动构件限定具有壳体的固定部分的流动通道,并且其沿向下的方向偏压抵靠壳体,但是可以抵抗该偏压压力移动以改变旁路线路中的通道。 此外,该相同的第二可移动构件限定了与第一可移动构件一起限定从流体室到出口的控制通道的表面。

    Method for mixing pressure gases particularly for respirators and medical devices
    Method for mixing pressure gases particularly for respirators and medical devices 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    Inventor: DOBRITZ GUNTER

    CPC classification number: B01F3/028 Y10T137/0352 Y10T137/2521

    Abstract: In a method for mixing two gases in a predetermined ratio, the two gases are supplied to respective chambers, having fixed or adjustable preselected volumes, through respective first pressure regulators while maintaining the discharge pressures of the two first pressure regulators in such predetermined ratio. The flow of the two gases to the chambers is then interrupted, and the two gases are thereafter discharged from the respective chambers to a common discharge line through respective second pressure regulators while maintaining the discharge pressures of the two second pressure regulators in such predetermined ratio. The apparatus includes adjustable means for conjointly adjusting both the first and second pressure regulators so that the discharge ratios thereof are equal and equal to the predetermined ratio. A reversing shut-off valve may be used to connect the chambers to the first pressure regulators or to discharge the chambers through the second pressure regulators. A magnetically biased torsion resistant lever may be used to commonly bias the pressures of the first and second pressure regulators and also to adjust the respective pressure ratios. The respective first and second pressure regulators for each gas may be combined into a single unit.

    Abstract translation: 在以预定比率混合两种气体的方法中,通过相应的第一压力调节器将两种气体供应到具有固定或可调节的预选容积的相应室,同时以这种预定比例保持两个第一压力调节器的排出压力。 然后将两种气体流到腔室的流动被中断,然后两种气体通过相应的第二压力调节器从相应的腔室排放到公共排放管线,同时以这种预定比例保持两个第二压力调节器的排出压力。 该装置包括用于联合调节第一和第二压力调节器的可调节装置,使得其排出比等于和等于预定比率。 可以使用反向截止阀将腔室连接到第一压力调节器或通过第二压力调节器排出腔室。 可以使用磁偏置的扭转扭力杆来共同地偏压第一和第二压力调节器的压力,并且还可以调节相应的压力比。 用于每种气体的相应的第一和第二压力调节器可以组合成单个单元。

    Gas pressure operated alarm device
    Gas pressure operated alarm device 失效





    Applicant: DRAEGERWERK AG

    Inventor: WARNCKE ERNST

    CPC classification number: A62B9/006 A61M16/0051 G01L19/08 Y10T137/8326

    Abstract: An alarm device particularly for respirators having a pressure gas supply includes a housing, or body, having a first gas chamber which is adapted to be connected to the pressure gas supply. A valve is movable in the first gas chamber and it closes off a connection of the chamber with a second chamber having a second valve therein which closes the second chamber in respect to a discharge gas passage which connects to a signaling device such as gas operated whistle. A spring biases the first valve toward an open position and when the gas pressure in the line reduces, it opens the first valve and permits flow of the gas under pressure into the second chamber until it pressurizes sufficiently to open the second valve to permit the gas to flow to the signaling device and actuate the whistle. The second valve includes a control device defining a throttle passage which permits flow from a connecting chamber portion of the second chamber on one side of the second valve into an equalizing chamber portion on the other side of the second valve. After some time, the pressure equilibrium is again established in the second gas chamber to close the second valve again and to stop the flow of gas to the signaling device.

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