Pipetting apparatus
    Pipetting apparatus 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    Abstract: A pipetting device including a pipetting unit (12) having an application chamber (26) and a first end (16) that is realized with a discharge opening (18), and a second, open end (20). In the vicinity of the second, open end (20) of the pipetting unit (12), a sleeve-like receptacle unit (14) is guided so that it can move axially on at least two sealing lips (22, 24) that project radially inward and are at some distance from each other, which is provided on the side facing the application chamber (26) of the pipetting unit (12) with a base element (28), and on the side facing away from the application chamber (26) has an opening (32) and which has, in the vicinity of its periphery, at least one opening (34), the axial dimensions of which are somewhat smaller than or equal to the distance between the sealing lips (22, 24). The receptacle unit (14) can be moved with respect to the pipetting unit (21) from a closed position into an activation position, in which an interior (36) of the receptacle unit (14) is in communication via the at least one opening (34) of the receptacle unit (14) with the application chamber (26) of the pipetting unit.

    Abstract translation: 一种移液装置,包括具有施加室(26)的移液单元(12)和利用排出口(18)实现的第一端(16)和第二开口端(20)。 在移液装置(12)的第二开口端(20)的附近,引导套筒状容纳单元(14),使得其可以在至少两个密封唇(22,24)上轴向运动,该密封唇(22,24)突出 径向向内并且在与所述移液单元(12)的所述施用室(26)相对的一侧上设置有彼此相距一定的距离,所述基底元件(28)和在远离所述施加室的一侧 26)具有开口(32)并且在其周边附近具有至少一个开口(34),该开口的轴向尺寸略小于或等于密封唇(22,24)之间的距离, 。 插座单元(14)可以相对于移液单元(21)从关闭位置移动到启动位置,其中容纳单元(14)的内部(36)经由至少一个开口 (14)的所述容纳单元(34)与所述移液单元的所述施用室(26)连接。

    Disposable dispensing device
    Disposable dispensing device 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    CPC classification number: B65D75/5811

    Abstract: A disposable dispensing device for liquid, paste and other flowable or free-flowing materials, includes a fillable and sealable plastic enclosure (12) with an absorption section (16) having a storage compartment (18) and a sealing section (20). The sealing section (20) is separated from the absorption section (16) by means of a tear seam (22). A fitted applicator (14) and a channel (40) for dispensing the material from the plastic enclosure (12). A sealing device (38), which closes the channel (40), is molded to the applicator (14) by means of a separating section (42) forming part of the sealing section (20) of the plastic enclosure (12). In order to dispense the material through the channel (40) of the applicator (14), the sealing device (38) can be detached from the applicator (14) by means of the separating section (42).

    Abstract translation: 用于液体,糊状物和其它可流动或自由流动的材料的一次性分配装置包括具有吸收部分(16)的可填充且可密封的塑料外壳(12),所述吸收部分具有储存室(18)和密封部分(20)。 密封部分(20)通过撕裂缝(22)与吸收部分(16)分离。 用于从塑料外壳(12)分配材料的装配的施加器(14)和通道(40)。 封闭通道(40)的密封装置(38)通过构成塑料外壳(12)的密封部分(20)的一部分的分离部分(42)模制到施加器(14)上。 为了通过施用器(14)的通道(40)分配材料,可以通过分离部分(42)将密封装置(38)从施用器(14)分离。

    Applicator device
    Applicator device 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    Abstract: An applicator device for a free-flowing substance includes a carrier body provided with an application device at one end and a pin at an opposing end. A transverse channel penetrates the pin, and an axial channel branching off from the transverse channel leads to the application device. A reservoir device having a ring-shaped edge seal sealingly engages the pin, whereby the applicator device is activated by displacing the reservoir device on the pin toward the application device to open a flow connection between the reservoir device and the transverse channel. The reservoir device has a receptacle segment that is elastically deformable at least in portions so that, when the applicator device is activated and a flow connection between the transverse channel and the receptacle segment exists, the free-flowing substance is discharged via the application device by manual compression of the elastically deformable area of the receptacle segment.

    Abstract translation: 用于自由流动物质的涂抹器装置包括在一端设置有施加装置的托架主体和在相对端的销。 横向通道穿过销,并且从横向通道分支的轴向通道通向施加装置。 具有环形边缘密封件的密封地接合销的储存器装置,由此通过将销上的储存装置移动到施加装置来启动施用装置,以打开储存装置和横向通道之间的流动连接。 储存器装置具有至少部分地可弹性变形的插座段,使得当施用装置被启动并且存在横向通道和容器段之间的流动连接时,自由流动物质通过施加装置被排出 手动压缩容器段的弹性变形区域。

    Device for storing and extrusion of a flowable substance
    Device for storing and extrusion of a flowable substance 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    CPC classification number: B65D83/0044 B65D81/325

    Abstract: A device for the storage and extrusion of a flowable substance (A) includes a loading unit (13) for an application tool (14). The loading unit has a pot-shaped insert (15) for a holder (17). Through axial pressure on the holder (17) the flowable substance A can be extruded from a chamber (12) of the holder through openings (20A) made on the perimeter of the insert (15) into a chamber (16) of the loading unit (13), so that the application tool (14) set at right angles to the axis of the insert (15) is loaded with the substance (A).

    Abstract translation: 用于存储和挤出可流动物质(A)的装置包括用于施加工具(14)的装载单元(13)。 装载单元具有用于保持器(17)的盆形插入件(15)。 通过保持器(17)上的轴向压力,可流动物质A可以从保持器的室(12)通过在插入件(15)的周边上形成的开口(20A)挤出到装载室(16)中 单元(13),使得与插入件(15)的轴线成直角设置的施加工具(14)被装载物质(A)。

    Multi-chamber ampoule for measured doses of liquids
    Multi-chamber ampoule for measured doses of liquids 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    CPC classification number: A45D34/045

    Abstract: A multi-chamber ampoule for measured doses of liquids, which has an outer sleeve (2) of elastic material which on the inside has a first chamber (12) which extends along an axis (y) and is closed off by a first bottom (31) at the lower end. A closing element seals the outer sleeve (2) at its head end and has a micro brush (1) which at its tip (10) has a flocculus (11) capable of absorbing a liquid. The micro brush (1) is positioned in an inner sleeve (3) which can be moved inside the outer sleeve (2) in the manner of a plunger.

    Abstract translation: 用于测量剂量的液体的多室安瓿,其具有弹性材料的外套筒(2),其在内侧具有沿着轴线(y)延伸并且被第一底部(...)封闭的第一室(12) 31)在下端。 封闭元件在其顶端处密封外套筒(2),并具有微刷(1),其尖端(10)具有能够吸收液体的絮凝物(11)。 微刷(1)定位在可以以柱塞的方式移动到外套筒(2)内的内套筒(3)中。

    Multichamber ampoule for dispensing a mixture consisting of several substances
    Multichamber ampoule for dispensing a mixture consisting of several substances 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    Abstract: A multichamber ampoule with a locking and dispensing mechanism to store several substances and to dispense a mixture consisting of several substances, possessing a multiple-plug closure (140) with several plugs to selectively close and open several outlet openings in the multichamber ampoule, and an adapter (130) for mixing the substances and dispensing the mixture, wherein the multiple-plug closure (140) and the adapter (130) are connected to each other in an assembly designed to be removed from the multichamber ampoule (FIG. 23).

    Abstract translation: 一种具有锁定和分配机构以存储若干物质并分配由几种物质组成的混合物的多室安瓿,其具有多个塞子(140),其具有多个塞子,以选择性地关闭和打开多室安瓿中的多个出口开口,以及 适配器(130),用于混合物质并分配混合物,其中多个塞子封闭件(140)和适配器(130)在设计成从多室安瓶中移除的组件中彼此连接(图23)。

    Prefilled telescoping ampoule device
    Prefilled telescoping ampoule device 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    Abstract: An improved prefilled, telescoping ampoule device having a simplified construction allows for passage of fluid from one component to the other without leakage. The telescoping ampoule device can be manufactured and assembled in an efficient manner and provides for adaptation to various application purposes without a change of basic design.

    Abstract translation: 具有简化结构的改进的预充式伸缩式安瓿装置允许流体从一个部件传递到另一个部件而不泄漏。 伸缩安瓿装置可以以有效的方式制造和组装,并提供适应各种应用目的而不改变基本设计。

    Multichamber dispensing device
    Multichamber dispensing device 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    Abstract: A multichamber dispensing device for dispensing a mixture consisting of a plurality of substances includes a receptacle unit (10) with several chambers that are aligned parallel in relation to each other. Each chamber has an open first end for inserting a piston and a second end having an outlet opening. A dispensing unit (30) including a dispensing channel and an adapter section (36) is connected to the receptacle unit (10). The adapter section includes at least one detachable separating element (38) which protrudes radially to the inside and interacts with at least one locking means of the receptacle unit (10), so that after loosening the separating element (38), the dispensing unit (30) opposite the receptacle unit (10) can be shifted in an axial direction.

    Abstract translation: 用于分配由多种物质组成的混合物的多室分配装置包括具有多个室的容纳单元(10),这些室相对于彼此平行排列。 每个室具有用于插入活塞的敞开的第一端和具有出口开口的第二端。 包括分配通道和适配器部分(36)的分配单元(30)连接到插座单元(10)。 适配器部分包括至少一个可分离的分离元件(38),其可径向向内突出并与插座单元(10)的至少一个锁定装置相互作用,使得在松开分离元件(38)之后,分配单元 30)与插座单元(10)相对的位置可以沿轴向移动。

    Single-use dispensing device and method of manufacture
    Single-use dispensing device and method of manufacture 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    CPC classification number: B65D75/5811

    Abstract: A single-use dispensing device for dispensing liquid, pasty and other flowable and fluid substances includes a fillable and sealable plastic container for receiving a substance. The container has a neck end, a filling end opposite to the neck end, and lateral sealing seams defining a lateral contour of the container. An opening provided in the neck end extends through the neck end for dispensing the substance. A plug-like closure means for closing the opening extends throughout the neck end toward an outer portion of the neck end. A first transversal sealing seam extends transversely through the lateral sealing seams of the container at the outer portion of the neck end sealing the closure means from all sides. A tearable perforation seam provided in a portion of the neck end extends transversely through the lateral sealing seams. The perforation seam being displaced relative to the first transversal sealing seam towards the filling end of the container.

    Abstract translation: 用于分配液体,糊状和其它可流动和流体物质的一次性分配装置包括用于接收物质的可填充和可密封的塑料容器。 容器具有颈部端部,与颈部端部相对的填充端部,以及限定容器的侧向轮廓的横向密封接缝。 设置在颈端的开口延伸穿过颈端以分配物质。 用于封闭开口的塞状封闭装置延伸穿过颈部端部朝向颈部端部的外部部分延伸。 第一横向密封缝横向延伸穿过容器的侧面密封接缝,颈部端部的外部将密封装置从所有侧面密封起来。 在颈部的一部分中设置的可撕裂的穿孔接缝横向延伸穿过横向密封接缝。 穿孔接缝相对于朝向容器的填充端的第一横向密封接缝移位。

    Device For Retaining And Dispensing A Free-Flowing Substance
    Device For Retaining And Dispensing A Free-Flowing Substance 有权





    Applicant: Alberto Sogaro

    Inventor: Alberto Sogaro

    Abstract: A device for retaining and dispensing a free-flowing substance includes a syringe-like retaining body (12) in which a retaining space (46) is formed. A displaceable piston (22) is axially introduced into the retaining space (46) and the retaining body (12) is provided with a dispensing nozzle (18) on its front end facing away from the piston (22). A locking pin (36) through which at least one transverse channel (44) passes, with an axial channel (42) branching off therefrom, is provided on the inside of the dispensing nozzle (18). In a closed position of the locking pin (36), a flow connection between the retaining space (46) and the transverse channel (44) is blocked. In an activation position of the locking pin (36), the transverse channel (44) is connected to the retaining space (46), so that the free-flowing substance can be dispensed from the retaining space (46) via the transverse channel (44) and the axial channel (42).

    Abstract translation: 用于保持和分配自由流动物质的装置包括其中形成有保持空间(46)的注射器状保持体(12)。 可移动的活塞(22)被轴向地引入到保持空间(46)中,保持体(12)在其远离活塞(22)的前端设置有分配喷嘴(18)。 在分配喷嘴(18)的内侧设置有至少一个横向通道(44)穿过的锁定销(36),其中从其分支的轴向通道(42)穿过。 在锁定销(36)的关闭位置中,保持空间(46)和横向通道(44)之间的流动连接被阻止。 在锁定销(36)的激活位置中,横向通道(44)连接到保持空间(46),使得自由流动物质可以经由横向通道(46)从保持空间(46)分配 44)和轴向通道(42)。

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