A methodology has been discovered for transforming garbage collection-dependent algorithms, shared object implementations and/or concurrent software mechanisms into a form that does not presume the existence of an independent, or execution environment provided, garbage collector. Algorithms, shared object implementations and/or mechanisms designed or transformed using techniques described herein provide explicit reclamation of storage using lock-free pointer operations. Transformations can be applied to lock-free algorithms and shared object implementations and preserve lock-freedom of such algorithms and implementations. As a result, existing and future lock-free algorithms and shared object implementations that depend on a garbage-collected execution environment can be exploited in environments that do not provide garbage collection. Furthermore, algorithms and shared object implementations that employ explicit reclamation of storage using lock-free pointer operations such as described herein may be employed in the implementation of a garbage collector itself.
We teach a powerful approach that greatly simplifies the design of non-blocking mechanisms and data structures, in part by, largely separate the issues of correctness and progress. At a high level, our methodology includes designing an “obstruction-free” implementation of the desired mechanism or data structure, which may then be combined with a contention management mechanism whose role is to facilitate the conditions under which progress of the obstruction-free implementation is assured. In general, the contention management mechanism is separable semantically from an obstruction-free concurrent shared/sharable object implementation to which it is/may be applied. In some cases, the contention management mechanism may actually be coded separately from the obstruction-free implementation. We elaborate herein on the notions of obstruction-freedom and contention management, and various possibilities for combining the two. In addition, we include description of some exemplary applications to particular concurrent software mechanisms and data structure implementations.
We have developed a methodology for transforming garbage collection-dependent algorithms, shared object implementations and/or concurrent software mechanisms into a form that does not presume the existence of an independent, or execution environment provided, garbage collector. Algorithms, shared object implementations and/or mechanisms designed or transformed using techniques described herein provide explicit reclamation of storage using lock-free pointer operations. Transformations can be applied to lock-free algorithms and shared object implementations and preserve lock-freedom of such algorithms and implementations. As a result, existing and future lock-free algorithms and shared object implementations that depend on a garbage-collected execution environment can be exploited in environments that do not provide garbage collection. Furthermore, algorithms and shared object implementations that employ explicit reclamation of storage using lock-free pointer operations such as described herein may be employed in the implementation of a garbage collector itself.