Applicant: Jason DEXTER
Inventor: Jason DEXTER
Abstract: The invention comprises a photoautotrophic organism, generally having simpler nutritional requirements than heterotrophic organisms, utilized as a chassis for the heterologous expression and function of enzymes, or derivatives of said enzymes, that show activity toward the degradation/detoxification of toxins known to be associated with and specific to harmful algal blooms. As an example, a cyanobacterial strain (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803) modified to express Sphingomonas sp. USTB-05 MlrA enzyme functionality, showing the capability of degrading microcystins (results shown here) and nodularins, is presented. Under modelled natural conditions, results indicate that heterologous enzymatic activity against microcystin-LR is more stable over time when utilizing a photoautotrophic chassis in comparison to use of a heterotrophic bacterial strain. In addition, both the viability and cell density of the photoautotrophic host is maintained for a significantly longer period of time, compared to a heterotrophic host.