Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method of manufacturing a pressure tank
- Patent Title (中): 制造压力罐的方法
Application No.: US540668Application Date: 1983-10-11
Publication No.: US4544428APublication Date: 1985-10-01
- Inventor: Goetz Mandel
- Applicant: Goetz Mandel
- Applicant Address: DEX
- Assignee: Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH
- Current Assignee: Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH
- Current Assignee Address: DEX
- Priority: DEX3237761 19821012
- Main IPC: B21D51/24
- IPC: B21D51/24 ; B29C53/80 ; B29C53/84 ; B29C57/00 ; B29C63/00 ; B29C63/24 ; B29C67/00 ; B29C70/06 ; B29C70/16 ; F17C1/02 ; F17C1/16 ; B23P17/00
A method of manufacturing a pressure tank comprises forming the tank with an inner thin wall of light metal and applying a backup wrapping of resin impregnated fibers having a large breaking strength and a small coefficient of thermal expansion to the tank and the tank is cooled in order to compensate for the accumulating filament tension during the winding operation.
Public/Granted literature
- US5752878A Apparatus and method for treating air in a building Public/Granted day:1998-05-19
Information query