Invention Application
- Patent Title: Weaponry camera sight
- Patent Title (中): 武器相机视线
Application No.: US10840400Application Date: 2004-05-07
Publication No.: US20050246910A1Publication Date: 2005-11-10
- Inventor: Michael Mowers
- Applicant: Michael Mowers
- Main IPC: F41G1/00
- IPC: F41G1/00 ; F41G1/467 ; G01B13/02 ; G01C3/00 ; G01C3/22

The weaponry camera sight has a digital electronic display of the sight picture for the shooter. The display may be magnified as desired, thereby eliminating need for a scope sight. The device may also include a range finding device, with range information being provided on screen. The camera may also be used to record the image viewed on screen, if so desired. Remotely situated controls may be provided for operating the zoom magnification and recording feature, thereby allowing the shooter to operate the present camera sight without need to move his or her hands on the weapon. The present camera sight is particularly well suited for use with an archery bow, but may be used with a firearm if so desired.
Public/Granted literature
- US07255035B2 Weaponry camera sight Public/Granted day:2007-08-14
Information query