Insulated gate turn-off device having low capacitance and low saturation current
An insulated gate turn-off (IGTO) device, formed as a die, has a layered structure including a P+ layer (e.g., a substrate), an N− epi layer, a P-well, vertical insulated gates formed in the P-well, and N+ regions between at least some of the gates, so that vertical NPN and PNP transistors are formed. A source/emitter electrode is on top, and a drain/cathode electrode is on the bottom of the substrate. The device is formed of a matrix of cells. To turn the device on, a positive voltage is applied to the gates, referenced to the source/emitter electrode. Some of the cells are passive, having gates that are either not connected to the active gates or having gates that are shorted to their associated N+ regions, to customize the input capacitance and lower the saturation current. Other techniques are described to form the passive cells.
H 电学
H01 基本电气元件
H01L 半导体器件;其他类目中不包括的电固体器件(使用半导体器件的测量入G01;一般电阻器入H01C;磁体、电感器、变压器入H01F;一般电容器入H01G;电解型器件入H01G9/00;电池组、蓄电池入H01M;波导管、谐振器或波导型线路入H01P;线路连接器、汇流器入H01R;受激发射器件入H01S;机电谐振器入H03H;扬声器、送话器、留声机拾音器或类似的声机电传感器入H04R;一般电光源入H05B;印刷电路、混合电路、电设备的外壳或结构零部件、电气元件的组件的制造入H05K;在具有特殊应用的电路中使用的半导体器件见应用相关的小类)
H01L29/00 专门适用于整流、放大、振荡或切换,并具有至少一个电位跃变势垒或表面势垒的半导体器件;具有至少一个电位跃变势垒或表面势垒,例如PN结耗尽层或载流子集结层的电容器或电阻器;半导体本体或其电极的零部件(H01L31/00至H01L47/00,H01L51/05优先;除半导体或其电极之外的零部件入H01L23/00;由在一个共用衬底内或其上形成的多个固态组件组成的器件入H01L27/00)
H01L29/66 .按半导体器件的类型区分的
H01L29/68 ..只能通过对一个不通有待整流、放大或切换的电流的电极供给电流或施加电位方可进行控制的(H01L29/96优先)
H01L29/70 ...双极器件
H01L29/72 ....晶体管型器件,如连续响应于所施加的控制信号的
H01L29/73 .....双极结型晶体管
H01L29/732 ......纵向晶体管