Persistent Non-Homogeneous Worker Pools





    Abstract: Function calls, such as function calls from a workflow, may be added to queues. Function calls are selected from the queue and executed by workers of a worker pool, each worker being a container. The workers may be of different types and function calls may require execution by a worker of a specific type. The workers of the worker pool may be created or deleted such that workers are of the type required by function calls in the queue. Creation and deletion of workers may be performed according to priority of function calls in the queue. Creation and deletion of workers may be scheduled according to a workflow including the plurality of function calls.

    Automated Deployment And Management Of Network Intensive Applications





    Abstract: Deployment of a network service pipeline may be automated by defining workflows comprising functions of instances of elements. Workflows may be defined in a graphical user interface including menus for the selection of elements, functions, and predefined workflows. A workflow may be dynamic such that addition or modification of a function invokes a trigger that automatically populates or modifies parameters of the functions of the workflow. Elements may each have a same set of functions that may be invoked by an orchestrator to perform automated implementation of the workflow. Functions of a workflow may be implemented in batches and may retrieve executable. data from a distributed file store. A test platform with hardware and network simulation may be used to develop functions and workflows.

    Check-in monitoring for workflows





    CPC classification number: H04L47/125 H04L47/2441 H04L47/2483

    Abstract: A workflow may include function calls to functions executed with respect to instances of elements. Functions may be stored in a file store. When functions are edited and checked in to the file store, change to the function may be detected and workflows implicated by the change to the function are identified. Execution of the implicated workflows may then be invoked in response to detecting the change. Functions may have an exclusivity associated with them such that execution of a workflow includes executing function calls alone where required by the exclusivity or concurrently where permitted by the exclusivity. Check-in monitoring on a repository of element files (element definition and element functions) may be performed. In response to check-in of a file, workflows including elements referencing the file may be executed.

    Health monitoring of automatically deployed and managed network pipelines





    Abstract: Deployment of a network service pipeline may be automated by defining workflows comprising functions of instances of elements. Workflows may be defined in a graphical user interface including menus for the selection of elements, functions, and predefined workflows. A workflow may be dynamic such that addition or modification of a function invokes a trigger that automatically populates or modifies parameters of the functions of the workflow. Elements may each have a same set of functions that may be invoked by an orchestrator to perform automated implementation of the workflow. Functions of a workflow may be implemented in batches and may retrieve executable. data from a distributed file store. A test platform with hardware and network simulation may be used to develop functions and workflows.

    Batch manager for complex workflows





    CPC classification number: H04L41/0806 H04L41/0889

    Abstract: A workflow may include function calls to functions executed with respect to instances of elements. Health checks of elements of the workflow may be performed with reference to topology such that health checks of elements are omitted where a health check is performed by a parent in the topology. Batch processing of stages of a workflow may be performed with commencement of a stage being initiated based on completion percentage and execution time of a previous stage. Tasks of each stage may be performed by a pool of workers that are reused with pool size being selected based on expected completion time of each stage.

    Batch Manager For Complex Workflows





    Abstract: A workflow may include function calls to functions executed with respect to instances of elements. Health checks of elements of the workflow may be performed with reference to topology such that health checks of elements are omitted where a health check is performed by a parent in the topology. Batch processing of stages of a workflow may be performed with commencement of a stage being initiated based on completion percentage and execution time of a previous stage. Tasks of each stage may be performed by a pool of workers that are reused with pool size being selected based on expected completion time of each stage.

    Check-In Monitoring For Workflows





    Abstract: A workflow may include function calls to functions executed with respect to instances of elements. Functions may be stored in a file store. When functions are edited and checked in to the file store, change to the function may be detected and workflows implicated by the change to the function are identified. Execution of the implicated workflows may then be invoked in response to detecting the change. Functions may have an exclusivity associated with them such that execution of a workflow includes executing function calls alone where required by the exclusivity or concurrently where permitted by the exclusivity. Check-in monitoring on a repository of element files (element definition and element functions) may be performed. In response to check-in of a file, workflows including elements referencing the file may be executed.

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