In the manufacture of tube glass, in which following the drawing of a tube from molten glass the inside surface of the tube is treated with a chemically reactive gas or gas mixture, a gas or gas mixture which is not reactive at the drawing temperature of the glass is dispensed into the tube in the direction of drawing. At a location in the tube where the tube has cooled down so far that the diameter is constant, the gas or gas mixture is made to react by means of a plasma which is generated in the tube.
A method of manufacturing an optical fiber having a core portion doped with a dopant and a surrounding optical cladding portion is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of drawing a fiber from a molten extremity of a silica preform and moving the fiber along towards a device for coating it with a protective sheath. Prior to the coating step, the moving fiber is irradiated with irregularly modulated actinic radiation, thereby causing corresponding irregular variations in the refractive index of its core portion as a function of longitudinal position. The resulting fiber demonstrates a significantly reduced polarisation mode dispersion.
A method of manufacturing an optical fiber, whereby a fiber is drawn from a molten extremity of a preform and is subsequently subjected to a torque, thereby causing a portion of the fiber to be twisted about its longitudinal axis and to be endowed with a spin. The torque is applied by running the fiber between a pair of wheels which rotate in mutually opposite senses about two different rotational axes, each wheel having a peripheral curved surface, the wheels being thus arranged that the fiber runs substantially tangential to their curved surfaces and is pressed therebetween, the wheels being moved back and forth relative to one another in a direction substantially perpendicular to the fiber so as to cause the fiber to be rolled back and forth between their curved surfaces.