A method and device for encrypting and/or decrypting binary data blocks protecting both confidentiality and integrity of data sent to or received from a memory. The encryption method comprises steps of: applying to the input data block a reversible scrambling process, the scrambling process providing a scrambled data block in which the bits of the input data block are mixed so that a modification of one bit in the scrambled data block impacts on every bit of the input data block, and applying to the scrambled data block a stream cipher encryption algorithm providing an encrypted data block. Application can be made to secured integrated circuits requiring to securely store data in an external memory.
A method and device for encrypting and/or decrypting binary data blocks protecting both confidentiality and integrity of data sent to or received from a memory. The encryption method comprises steps of: applying to the input data block a reversible scrambling process, the scrambling process providing a scrambled data block in which the bits of the input data block are mixed so that a modification of one bit in the scrambled data block impacts on every bit of the input data block, and applying to the scrambled data block a stream cipher encryption algorithm providing an encrypted data block. Application can be made to secured integrated circuits requiring to securely store data in an external memory.
A method and an element for ciphering with an integrated processor data to be stored in a memory, including applying to each data block to be ciphered a ciphering algorithm which is a function of at least one key specific to the integrated circuit, and before applying the ciphering algorithm thereto, combining the data block to be ciphered with the result of a function of the storage address of the ciphered block in the memory, and/or of combining the key with the result of a function of the storage address of the ciphered block in the memory and of a digital quantity different from the ciphering key.
A method of performing a cryptographic operation including: receiving a plurality of binary input values; splitting the binary input values into a plurality of non-binary digits of base r, where r is an integer greater than 2 and not equal to a power of 2; and performing, by a cryptographic block on each of the plurality of non-binary digits, a different modulo r operation to generate at least one output digit) of base r.
A method of performing a cryptographic operation including: receiving a plurality of binary input values; splitting the binary input values into a plurality of non-binary digits of base r, where r is an integer greater than 2 and not equal to a power of 2; and performing, by a cryptographic block on each of the plurality of non-binary digits, a different modulo r operation to generate at least one output digit) of base r.
The disclosure relates to a method of encrypting or of decrypting a binary data stream by generating a binary encryption stream and combining by a reversible logic operation each bit of the binary data stream with a bit of the binary encryption stream, the generation of the binary encryption stream including generating an input block by applying a cryptographic function using a secret key to a data block, and generating the binary encryption stream from the input block by combining the bits of the input block with each other by logic operations in a manner so as to prevent the input block from being determined from the binary encryption stream.
A circuit for computing the inner of scalar product of two vectors in a finite Galois field defined by a generator polynomial, wherein each vector includes at least two elements belonging to said finite field, comprises one or more look-up tables storing digital words indicative of said possible combinations and said possible reductions. The digital words in question are defined as a function of the second elements of said vectors and the generator polynomial of the field. The input register(s) and the look-up table(s) are configured to co-operate in a plurality of subsequent steps to generate at each step a partial product result identified by at least one of digital word addressed in a corresponding look-up table as a function of the digital signals stored in the input register(s). The circuit also includes an accumulator unit for adding up the partial results generated at each step to give a final product result deriving from accumulation of said partial results.
Data are converted between an unencrypted and an encrypted format according to the Rijndael algorithm, including a plurality of rounds. Each round is comprised of a fixed set of transformations applied to a two-dimensional array, designating states, of rows and columns of bit words. At least a part of the transformations are applied on a transposed version of the state, wherein rows and columns are transposed for the columns and rows, respectively.
A processor for executing a Rijndeal algorithm which applies a plurality of encryption rounds to a data block array in order to obtain an array of identical size, each round involving a key block array and a data block substitution table, wherein said processor comprises: a first input register (102) containing an input data block column; an output register (111) containing an output data block column or an intermediate block column; a second input register (101) containing a key block column or the intermediate data blocks; a block substitution element (104) receiving the data one block at a time following the selection (103) thereof in the first register and providing, for each block, a column of blocks; an element (109) applying a cyclic permutation to the substitution circuit column blocks; and an Exclusive-OR combination element (110) combining the permutation circuit column blocks with the content of the second register, the result of said combination being loaded into the output register.
A computing method and circuit for computing a modular operation with at least one operand having a binary representation. Iteratively for each bit of this operand, doubling the value of an intermediate result stored in a first memory element by shifting the bits of the intermediate result towards the most significant bit and, while the most significant bit of the intermediate result is one, updating this intermediate result by subtracting a modulus stored in a second memory element.