The present invention relates to a series of orthopedic plates for use in repair of a bone. The plate has a Y-shaped profile or an X-shaped profile which includes an elongate central trunk with a complex contour and either one or two terminal pairs of arms that have a first arm and a second arm that form differing angles and lengths relative to the trunk portion of the plate. The arms include locking screw holes where the screws converge toward each other to provide for multiplanar fixation but which do not impinge.
The invention comprises an implant having a first end section and a second end section, where the first end has a cancellous thread for implantation in a first section of bone and the second end includes expansion slots and barbs or wings, that that resist movement out of a second section of bone. These anchors expand outwardly when a rigid wire, such as a k-wire is fed through a central cannulation in the implant and either the wire expands in diameter or the cannulation decreases in diameter. The implant also includes a collar intermediate to the first and second section which includes one or more surfaces to allow the first section to be screwed into a first bone section.
An orthopedic plate is specifically configured for use in osteotomies, in which part of the plate extends into a portion of a first bone segment and part is external to the cortical surface of an adjacent bone segment to fix the segments to allow them to fuse. The plate has a first end and a second end where the end which is inserted into the bone has a chamfer and a through hole having a hole axis optionally at an oblique angle to the longitudinal axis of the plate, and which can receive a screw, peg or pin. The second end of the plate includes a locking screw hole and optionally including a compression slot extending in a direction toward a screw hole in the opposing end. Optionally, the non-locking hole has a shroud that forms an arc or portion of a cylinder over the hole. A plate driver having a recess that holds the plate is used to insert the plate into the bone.
This invention provides a calcaneal plate implanted using a sinus tarsi approach and comprises an anterior section having two locking screw holes, an s-shaped posterior facet section having a four locking holes and which rounds toward the bone at both the inferior and superior edges and is reinforced at the superior edge, and a blade shaped posterior portion having three linearly aligned locking holes and terminating in a tapered portion. There is also, a drill guide assembly having a drill guide column inserted through a hole in a targeting guide and locking to one of the locking holes in the plate, and cannulated drill guide sleeves that lock into holes in the targeting guide in a spaced relation whereby when the targeting guide is locked into the plate, the targeting guide can be used as a handle and wherein locking screws can be implanted percutaneously.
This invention provides a calcaneal plate implanted using a sinus tarsi approach and comprises an anterior section having two locking screw holes, an s-shaped posterior facet section having a four locking holes and which rounds toward the bone at both the inferior and superior edges and is reinforced at the superior edge, and a blade shaped posterior portion having three linearly aligned locking holes and terminating in a tapered portion. There is also, a drill guide assembly having a drill guide column inserted through a hole in a targeting guide and locking to one of the locking holes in the plate, and cannulated drill guide sleeves that lock into holes in the targeting guide in a spaced relation whereby when the targeting guide is locked into the plate, the targeting guide can be used as a handle and wherein locking screws can be implanted percutaneously.
The present invention relates to a series of orthopedic plates for use in repair of a bone. The plate has a Y-shaped profile or an X-shaped profile which includes an elongate central trunk with a complex contour and either one or two terminal pairs of arms that have a first arm and a second arm that form differing angles and lengths relative to the trunk portion of the plate. The arms include locking screw holes where the screws converge toward each other to provide for multiplanar fixation but which do not impinge.
An orthopedic plate has a first end including a locking screw hole that receives a locking screw and spaced from that hole is a closed compression housing that extends from the bone-facing side of the plate and which receives a compression screw that forms an angle of from about 10° to about 70° with a longitudinal axis of the plate. The compression housing is not located on the medial line of the plate, but is peripheral to the medial line, either in the longitudinal or the medial direction of the plate.
This invention provides a calcaneal plate implanted using a sinus tarsi approach and comprises an anterior section having two locking screw holes, an s-shaped posterior facet section having a four locking holes and which rounds toward the bone at both the inferior and superior edges and is reinforced at the superior edge, and a blade shaped posterior portion having three linearly aligned locking holes and terminating in a tapered portion. There is also, a drill guide assembly having a drill guide column inserted through a hole in a targeting guide and locking to one of the locking holes in the plate, and cannulated drill guide sleeves that lock into holes in the targeting guide in a spaced relation whereby when the targeting guide is locked into the plate, the targeting guide can be used as a handle and wherein locking screws can be implanted percutaneously.
An orthopedic plate has a first end including a locking screw hole that receives a locking screw and spaced from that hole is a closed compression housing that extends from the bone-facing side of the plate and which receives a compression screw that forms an angle of from about 10° to about 70° with a longitudinal axis of the plate. The compression housing is not located on the medial line of the plate, but is peripheral to the medial line, either in the longitudinal or the medial direction of the plate.
An orthopedic plate is specifically configured for use in osteotomies, in which part of the plate extends into a portion of a first bone segment and part is external to the cortical surface of an adjacent bone segment to fix the segments to allow them to fuse. The plate has a first end and a second end where the end which is inserted into the bone has a chamfer and a through hole having a hole axis optionally at an oblique angle to the longitudinal axis of the plate, and which can receive a screw, peg or pin. The second end of the plate includes a locking screw hole and optionally including a compression slot extending in a direction toward a screw hole in the opposing end. Optionally, the non-locking hole has a shroud that forms an arc or portion of a cylinder over the hole. A plate driver having a recess that holds the plate is used to insert the plate into the bone.