A system for obtaining recharge codes for one or more postage meters. The system includes a conventional microcomputer; including a keyboard and display, and disk drive, which is connected through a modem to a remote data processing center. The center provides codes which may be used to recharge postage meters, i.e., reset the meters so that they may continue printing postage. The system includes a data bank of information relating to each of the postage meters, including identification codes for each of the meters. A user enters information, including a control sum, for each meter and the system combines it with other information stored in the data bank to form messages. The system then enters into transactions with the remote data processing center to obtain recharge codes for each of the meters, which are then displayed for entry into the meters. In another embodiment the system may communicate directly with each meter through a local communications network.
A table will be generated for tracking each mailpiece in a mailing system having multiple document paths. Attribute data relating to a mailpiece will be stored in a memory while job data relating to a mailing job will also be stored in a memory. A sequence builder process will look at the attribute data and determine the motion profiles that are required to ensure the mailpiece obtains the desired attributes. The sequence builder then commands execution of the motion profiles.
A method for maintaining mailpiece integrity in a mailing system when a mechanical module experiences an error. For one category of errors, the mailing system may automatically recover from the error without operator intervention. For the remaining category of errors, the mailing system may recover from the error with minimum operator intervention, that is, the operator may be required to only remove the error producing mailpiece. A motion control processor for an error producing mechanical module will report a fault to its corresponding mailpiece builder task and the error detector task. Movement of at least the error producing mailpiece shall stop. The fault will be reported to the mailpiece builder tasks corresponding to the mechanical modules having no error condition. The mailing system shall suspend further processing of mailpieces upstream from the error producing mailpiece. For one category of errors, the mailing system will purge the error producing mailpiece from the error producing module without operator intervention. For the remaining category of errors, the operator will be required to remove at least the error producing mailpiece. State machines are then selected to perform system wide job recovery.
An apparatus for controlling a mechanical system in response to messages from a host computer system. The apparatus includes a conventional communications link for communicating messages from the host computer system to a motion control processor and interface and driver circuits for converting digital signals generated by the motion control processor in response to messages from the host computer system into control signals having appropriate waveforms and timing for controlling a particular mechanical system. The motion control processor is programmed to perform a number of tasks in accordance with a schedule downloaded from the host computer system. The host computer system downloads profiles which consist of series of segments consisting of data structures which define elements in the mechanical system to be controlled, identify functions to be performed and include necessary data. Tasks performed by the motion control processor include a communications interface task for handling messages from the host data system, a profile handler task for executing profiles, a motion control task for controlling motors in the mechanical system, and a read sensors task for reading sensor in the mechanical system. Other conventional, non-critical tasks may be performed by the motion control processor on a less frequently scheduled basis or in a background mode of operation. New profiles, schedules, and tick period duration may be down loaded from the host computer system dynamically, during operation of the mechanical system to provide highly flexible, adaptive control of the mechanical system.
A report generation system and method for generating a report at predetermined timed intervals is described. In accordance with the teachings of this invention, system usage data is read from a memory device. A report template file controls print control commands which identifies the system usage data which should be printed in a report along with the report format characteristics. The formatted report is then inserted into an envelope, ready to be mailed by the user. The present invention further includes a system and method for identifying a current version of software installed in a mailing system.