A gem stone to be ground is placed against a rotating grinding wheel, and thereupon the gem stone is turned relative to the grinding wheel until an ideal orientation has been determined for the gem stone relative to the grinding wheel. The frictional heating of the gem stone is measured in the region of contact of the same with the grinding wheel, and the contact pressure at which the gem stone contacts the grinding wheel is controlled as a function of the measured temperature and in such a manner as to maintain the temperature constant. The respective facets of the gem stone are thereupon ground with the grinding wheel.
A gem stone to be ground is placed against a rotating grinding wheel, and thereupon the gem stone is turned relative to the grinding wheel until an ideal orientation has been determined for the gem stone relative to the grinding wheel. The frictional heating of the gem stone is measured in the region of contact of the same with the grinding wheel, and the contact pressure at which the gem stone contacts the grinding wheel is controlled as a function of the measured temperature and in such a manner as to maintain the temperature constant. The respective facets of the gem stone are thereupon ground with the grinding wheel.
A technique is described for objectively determining the overall quality of a precious cut stone. A beam of parallel light rays is directed along the optical axis perpendicularly against a main exposed surface of the stone while the stone rotates about the optical axis. The principal reflected rays from the rotating stone are scanned in a spiral path by rotating a light-sensitive detector about a second axis passing through the main surface of the stone perpendicular to the optical axis. Facilities are provided for (1) displaying the logarithm of the intensity of the respective detected rays and (2) counting the number of detected reflected rays whose intensity amplitude exceeds a predetermined threshold.
A diamond is cut to have optically cooperating first facets defining substantially the angle of dispersion so that light rays transmitted through the cooperating facets are dispersed. Second optically cooperating facets are also provided which define half the angle of dispersion so that reflected light impinges a facet at the angle of dispersion so that reflected light rays are also dispersed.