System and method for applying an OMA DRM permission model to Java MIDP applications
    System and method for applying an OMA DRM permission model to Java MIDP applications 有权
    将OMA DRM权限模型应用于Java MIDP应用程序的系统和方法





    Abstract: A system and method of applying a permission model to an application operating on a mobile electronic device. When an application is launched on the mobile electronic device, it is determined whether the mobile electronic device possesses execution rights for the application. If the mobile electronic device does not possess valid execution rights for the application, the application is closed. If valid execution rights for the application expire after the application has been launched, a system is provided to inform the user that the rights have expired. The application with expired rights is then closed, unless the user obtains a new and valid rights object for the application.

    Abstract translation: 将权限模型应用于在移动电子设备上操作的应用的系统和方法。 当在移动电子设备上启动应用时,确定移动电子设备是否具有该应用的执行权限。 如果移动电子设备不具有应用程序的有效执行权限,则应用程序被关闭。 如果应用程序启动后应用程序的有效执行权限到期,则提供系统以通知用户权限已过期。 然后关闭具有过期权限的应用程序,除非用户为应用程序获取新的有效的权限对象。

    System and method for applying an OMA DRM permission model to JAVA MIDP applications
    System and method for applying an OMA DRM permission model to JAVA MIDP applications 有权
    将OMA DRM权限模型应用于JAVA MIDP应用程序的系统和方法





    Abstract: A system and method of applying a permission model to an application operating on a mobile electronic device. When an application is launched on the mobile electronic device, it is determined whether the mobile electronic device possesses execution rights for the application. If the mobile electronic device does not possess valid execution rights for the application, the application is closed. If valid execution rights for the application expire after the application has been launched, a system is provided to inform the user that the rights have expired. The application with expired rights is then closed, unless the user obtains a new and valid rights object for the application.

    Abstract translation: 将权限模型应用于在移动电子设备上操作的应用的系统和方法。 当在移动电子设备上启动应用时,确定移动电子设备是否具有该应用的执行权限。 如果移动电子设备不具有应用程序的有效执行权限,则应用程序被关闭。 如果应用程序启动后应用程序的有效执行权限到期,则提供系统以通知用户权限已过期。 然后关闭具有过期权限的应用程序,除非用户为应用程序获取新的有效的权限对象。

    Super distribution of midlet suites
    Super distribution of midlet suites 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: G06F21/10

    Abstract: A MIDlet Suite comprising one or more encrypted installation files is determined at a sending terminal device. A distribution description file comprising Super Distribution identification information for the MIDlet Suite is generated. A non-encrypted distribution archive file comprising the distribution description file and the MIDlet Suite is generated. The distribution archive file is transmitted to a receiving terminal device. The distribution description file is extracted and the extracted distribution description file is parsed in order to obtain the Super Distribution identification information. The MIDlet Suite is extracted from the distribution archive file, and installation information is displayed. Thus the receiving device is able to verify the contents of a received MIDlet Suite before the acquisition of an associated Rights Object, and the user can make a more informed decision whether to acquire the associated Rights Object or not.

    Abstract translation: 在发送终端设备处确定包括一个或多个加密安装文件的MIDlet套件。 生成包含MIDlet Suite的超级分发标识信息的分发描述文件。 生成包含分发描述文件和MIDlet套件的未加密分发归档文件。 分发归档文件被发送到接收终端设备。 提取分发描述文件,并解析提取的分发描述文件以获得超级分发标识信息。 从分发档案文件中提取MIDlet套件,并显示安装信息。 因此,接收设备能够在获取相关联的权利对象之前验证所接收的MIDlet套件的内容,并且用户可以做出更知情的决定是否获取相关联的权限对象。

    User confirmation in data downloading
    User confirmation in data downloading 有权





    Applicant: Guido Cugi

    Inventor: Guido Cugi

    CPC classification number: H04L67/06 H04L67/04 H04L67/26 H04L67/306

    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method of arranging user confirmation for data downloading. A request is sent for a description of the object to be downloaded. The description of the object is transmitted, the description comprising an information unit indicating whether user confirmation is required. The information unit is checked. The user is prompted for confirmation in response to the information unit indicating that user confirmation is required. The downloading process of the object is continued in response to the information unit indicating that user confirmation is not required.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种安排用户确认数据下载的方法。 发送要下载的对象的描述请求。 发送对象的描述,该描述包括指示是否需要用户确认的信息单元。 检查信息单元。 响应于指示需要用户确认的信息单元,提示用户进行确认。 响应于指示不需要用户确认的信息单元继续对象的下载过程。

    System, method and computer program product for downloading pushed content
    System, method and computer program product for downloading pushed content 失效





    CPC classification number: H04L63/123 G06F21/10 H04L63/0823

    Abstract: A system is provided for downloading pushed content includes a terminal capable of receiving service loading content that identifies download content and has a digital signature. The terminal is capable of authenticating the service loading content based upon the digital signature, and if the service loading content is authenticated, pulling the download content to the terminal. In this regard, the terminal is capable of authenticating the service loading content, and pulling the download content, in response to receiving the service loading content and independent of interaction from a user of the terminal. The terminal can also be capable of determining if an interruption occurs in receiving the download content such that the terminal receives less than the entire download content. And if an interruption occurs, the terminal can be capable of recovering the download content such that the terminal receives the plurality of data packets.

    Abstract translation: 提供了一种用于下载推送内容的系统,包括能够接收识别下载内容并具有数字签名的服务加载内容的终端。 终端能够基于数字签名认证服务加载内容,并且如果服务加载内容被认证,则将下载内容拉到终端。 在这方面,终端能够响应于接收到服务加载内容而独立于终端的用户的交互来认证服务加载内容,并且拉下载内容。 终端还能够确定在接收下载内容时是否发生中断,使得终端接收的小于整个下载内容。 并且如果发生中断,则终端能够恢复下载内容,使得终端接收到多个数据分组。

    System, method and computer program product for downloading pushed content
    System, method and computer program product for downloading pushed content 失效





    CPC classification number: H04L63/123 G06F21/10 H04L63/0823

    Abstract: A system is provided for downloading pushed content includes a terminal capable of receiving service loading content that identifies download content and has a digital signature. The terminal is capable of authenticating the service loading content based upon the digital signature, and if the service loading content is authenticated, pulling the download content to the terminal. In this regard, the terminal is capable of authenticating the service loading content, and pulling the download content, in response to receiving the service loading content and independent of interaction from a user of the terminal. The terminal can also be capable of determining if an interruption occurs in receiving the download content such that the terminal receives less than the entire download content. And if an interruption occurs, the terminal can be capable of recovering the download content such that the terminal receives the plurality of data packets.

    Abstract translation: 提供了一种用于下载推送内容的系统,包括能够接收识别下载内容并具有数字签名的服务加载内容的终端。 终端能够基于数字签名认证服务加载内容,并且如果服务加载内容被认证,则将下载内容拉到终端。 在这方面,终端能够响应于接收到服务加载内容而独立于终端的用户的交互来认证服务加载内容,并且拉下载内容。 终端还能够确定在接收下载内容时是否发生中断,使得终端接收的小于整个下载内容。 并且如果发生中断,则终端能够恢复下载内容,使得终端接收到多个数据分组。

    Method, system, apparatus and computer program product for enabling the pre-download of media objects
    Method, system, apparatus and computer program product for enabling the pre-download of media objects 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30899 G06Q30/06

    Abstract: A method, computer program product, electronic device and system for enabling the pre-download of media objects are provided. In particular, means can be provided by which Download Descriptor can be maintained alongside a pre-downloaded media object associated with the Download Descriptor until the pre-downloaded media object is consumed.

    Abstract translation: 提供了一种用于实现媒体对象的预先下载的方法,计算机程序产品,电子设备和系统。 特别地,可以提供手段,通过该下载描述符可以与下载描述符相关联的预先下载的媒体对象一起被维护,直到预先下载的媒体对象被消费。

    System, method, and device for downloading content using a second transport protocol within a generic content download protocol
    System, method, and device for downloading content using a second transport protocol within a generic content download protocol 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: H04L67/06 H04L67/04

    Abstract: Provided are improved systems, methods, and devices for downloading content using a second transport protocol within a generic content download protocol, such as using a FLUTE session to download content within a DLOTA session. The DLOTA download descriptor file can point to a media object which is a FLUTE session descriptor file. The DLOTA session permits the FLUTE session to occur before sending an install notification, or content download notification. This type of binding permits users to receive multicast and broadcast unidirectional content delivery masked by a generic content download protocol. Accordingly, the generic content delivery architecture can provide additional functionality to the underlying transfer protocol, such as dynamic capability check, user confirmation, and content download notification.

    Abstract translation: 提供了用于使用通用内容下载协议内的第二传输协议来下载内容的改进的系统,方法和设备,诸如使用FLUTE会话来下载DLOTA会话内的内容。 DLOTA下载描述符文件可以指向作为FLUTE会话描述符文件的媒体对象。 DLOTA会话允许在发送安装通知或内容下载通知之前发生FLUTE会话。 这种类型的绑定允许用户接收由通用内容下载协议掩蔽的组播和广播单向内容传递。 因此,通用内容传送架构可以向底层传输协议提供额外的功能,诸如动态能力检查,用户确认和内容下载通知。

    Method, system, apparatus & computer program product for enabling the pre-download of media objects
    Method, system, apparatus & computer program product for enabling the pre-download of media objects 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30899 G06Q30/06

    Abstract: A method, computer program product, electronic device and system for enabling the pre-download of media objects are provided. In particular, means can be provided by which Download Descriptor can be maintained alongside a pre-downloaded media object associated with the Download Descriptor until the pre-downloaded media object is consumed.

    Abstract translation: 提供了一种用于实现媒体对象的预先下载的方法,计算机程序产品,电子设备和系统。 特别地,可以提供手段,通过该下载描述符可以与下载描述符相关联的预先下载的媒体对象一起被维护,直到预先下载的媒体对象被消费。

    User confirmation in data downloading





    Applicant: Guido Cugi

    Inventor: Guido Cugi

    CPC classification number: H04L67/06 H04L67/04 H04L67/26 H04L67/306

    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method of arranging user confirmation for data downloading. A request is sent for a description of the object to be downloaded. The description of the object is transmitted, the description comprising an information unit indicating whether user confirmation is required. The information unit is checked. The user is prompted for confirmation in response to the information unit indicating that user confirmation is required. The downloading process of the object is continued in response to the information unit indicating that user confirmation is not required.

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