A control method for optimizing generated power of a solar-aided coal-fired power system under off-design working conditions sets maximizing generated power without changing main steam flow rate as a control goal. A solar-coal feedwater flow distribution ratio is adjusted to adjust water flow rate heated by a solar heat collection system, so as to achieve the control goal. Control steps include reading relevant information; calculating the water flow rate range heated by the solar heat collection system, and an applicable solar-coal feedwater flow distribution ratio range; establishing a correspondence between the generated power and the solar-coal feedwater flow distribution ratio within this range; selecting a solar-coal feedwater flow distribution ratio corresponding to the maximum generated power; and adjusting the water flow rate entering the solar heat collection system to an optimized value. The present invention can flexibly control the solar-coal coupling and improve the economy.
A Differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermal analysis method for the action of an applied electric field includes: step 1, in an experiment module of a differential scanning calorimeter, placing a microelectrode crucible and a reference crucible on corresponding sensors, connecting electrode wires of the microelectrode crucible with a signal generator, setting signal parameters to be output, placing a tested sample in a gap between electrodes, closing a microelectrode crucible lid, and closing the experiment module; step 2, at a temperature-varying stage, measuring a DSC curve of the tested sample under the action of an electric field, and at a reheating stage, measuring a DSC curve of the tested sample with no electric field; and step 3, analyzing the DSC curves in combination with the related theories of dielectrics and thermodynamics, and calculating an electric field intensity of the tested sample and a phase transformation rate of the tested sample.
A loop heat pipe with a vapor-liquid two-phase flow injector, including: an evaporator, the vapor-liquid two-phase flow injector, a boiling pool and a condenser. The two-phase flow injector has a central vapor inlet and a circumferential liquid inlet, and is connected to an outlet of the evaporator and an inlet of the boiling pool. The condensate inlet of the condenser is connected to an outlet of the boiling pool. An outlet of the condenser is connected to the evaporator. With the vapor-liquid two-phase flow injector, the invention can directly introduce a part of the supercooled liquid working medium to the boiling pool without passing through the evaporator, solving the problem of insufficient liquid supply for the boiling pool and increasing the driving force for the system operation. Therefore, the invention enables the efficient cooling of electronic devices and the long-distance heat transfer.
A pressure-regulatable pressure sores prevention cushion is provided. The cushion comprises an air cell array, having a plurality of air cells and being divided into at least four air cell zones, the air cells in each air cell zone being in communication with each other, but air cells in any two adjacent air cell zones being not in communication with each other; a plurality of air passages, located under the air cell array and each of which being connected to and in communication with at least one of the air cell zones; a base, on which the air cell array having a plurality of air cells and the air passages being disposed; a plurality of air ducts, which are disposed within the base, an end of each air duct being in communication with a corresponding air passage, and the other end extending out of the cushion and being provided with a joint, and each air duct having a respective valve; and an automatic pressure regulator, which is in communication with the joints of the plurality of air ducts and electrically connected to the respective valve of each duct to enable the automatic pressure regulator to inflate or deflate each air duct.
A method for analyzing a sever accident in a nuclear reactor based on an advanced particle method includes steps of: 1) performing geometric modeling, setting initial conditions and boundary conditions; 2) updating material physical properties and key parameters; 3) performing mechanical structure module calculation, updating solid particle stress, strain, internal energy, displacement and velocity; 4) performing thermal hydraulic module calculation, updating fluid particle internal energy, position and velocity; 5) performing chemical reaction module calculation, updating particle matter composition and internal energy; 6) performing neutron physics module calculation, updating particle neutron flux density; and 7) outputting data. The method of the present invention is based on the discrete form of the advanced particle method, which is capable of accurately capturing cross-sectional changes, matter changes, and phase changes. Compared with grid method, the present invention can effectively avoid a mesh distortion problem existing in a large deformation.
The invention belongs to the technical field of nuclear reactor materials design, and discloses a method for improving the withstanding capability of the cladding material in the fast neutron irradiation environment, comprising the following steps: selecting the cladding material with the annular structure and placing it on the outer side of the metallic fuel slug, with leaving a 0.2-0.8 mm gap between the metallic fuel slug and the cladding material; processing the operation in a reactor subsequently, with an annealing process of the fast neutron reactor fuel during the operation of the reactor; improves the withstanding capability of the cladding material in the fast neutron irradiation environment. The invention processes annealing treatment of the cladding material by balancing the internal and external stresses, multiple cycles of steady-state and transient operations, enhancing the withstanding capability of the steel in the high neutron irradiation environment, improving the lifetime of the cladding material.
A method for calculating the damage of a carbon fiber composite reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite under an action of a single lightning current component with a fast-rising rate is disclosed. Through the obtained dynamic impedance curves of the CFRP composite under the action of the non-destructive lightning current component, the anisotropic conductivity of the CFRP composite under the action of the single lightning current component with specified parameters is extrapolated based on pre-designed lightning damage simulation conditions. The anisotropic conductivity is taken as the initial condition of the conductivity of the CFRP composite in the coupled thermoelectric simulation model, which is able to better simulate the real lightning effect on the CFRP composite, and is able to more accurately obtain the lightning damage of the CFRP composite and analyze the relationship between the lightning damage parameters.
Analysis method of fuel cell input and output characteristics, which utilizes π theorem and principle of similarity to carry out dimensional analysis and equation analysis for model parameters and governing equations respectively for a given proton exchange membrane fuel cell theoretical model, includes the steps: determine model parameters and dimensions of each parameter, and filter out basic parameters for dimensional analysis; use π theorem to perform dimensional analysis to obtain dimensionless numbers; use principle of similarity to analyze model governing equations to obtain dimensionless numbers; compare the two sets of dimensionless numbers to determine the dimensionless number of the fuel cell model under study; define dimensionless voltage and dimensionless current to serve as the ordinate and abscissa of the dimensionless polarization curve, then any point on the dimensionless polarization curve represents a set of similar working conditions and the number and time of experiment or simulation can be greatly reduced.
A contrast imaging method based on a wide beam and a method for extracting a perfusion time-intensity curve (TIC) are provided to increase contrast-to-tissue ratio (CTR) through the contrast imaging method based on the wide beam via a pulse inversion microbubble wavelet transform sum squared differences decorrelation (PIWSSD). An auto adaptive analysis method about rapidly and accurately extracting a TIC tendency of the contrast imaging method based on the wide beam is also provided to overcome limitations of a decrease in the CTR of the contrast imaging based on the wide beam and a decrease in SCR of the perfusion TIC. The present invention plays an important role in effectively reducing an ultrasound contrast imaging acoustic power and a contrast microbubble perfusion concentration, reducing potential threat to human body, acquiring a contrast image with the high CTR, and accurately evaluating and diagnosing blood perfusion.
A testing device for propagation characteristic of electromagnetic wave in gas insulated switchgear includes an ultrahigh frequency signal generator, a GIS testing chamber, an emitting antenna and a receiving antenna which are provided inside the GIS testing chamber. A detachable disc insulator is provided between the emitting antenna and the receiving antenna. Both terminals of a GIS testing chamber are sealed by polyurethane wave-absorbing sponge; the ultrahigh frequency signal generator is connected with the emitting antenna, and the receiving antenna is connected with a oscilloscope. A guide rod which is fixed by the disc insulator is provided in the GIS testing chamber. The present invention is capable of achieving testing propagation characteristic of partial discharge ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic wave signal of a gas insulated switchgear in a laboratory, so as to master attenuation characteristics of the partial discharge ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic wave signal, and lay a laboratory foundation for accurate detection of the partial discharge of the gas insulated switchgear by field use of an ultrahigh-frequency method.