Applicant: Harold Thomas Benner, Jr. , Mark R. Nease
Inventor: Harold Thomas Benner, Jr. , Mark R. Nease
CPC classification number: B65B39/145
Abstract: A single level filler wheel for filling pouches with multiple products including a filler wheel having at least two sets of funnels defined within the wheel and spouts attached to the underside of the wheel, alternating spouts communicating with funnels of each set so that products dispensed on the wheel into two different feed paths are respectively received by the respective funnel sets and transferred directly into alternating spouts for filling at least two products, one into each alternate pouch. The total product drop is halved with respect to dual level filling devices and through-put speeds can be significantly increased. Multiple products in excess of two and varied feed drops can be provided by adding funnel sets, alternating spouts differently and the like. Methods and apparatus are disclosed.
Abstract translation: 用于为多个产品填充袋的单级填料轮,包括填充轮,其具有限定在轮内的至少两组漏斗和连接到车轮下侧的喷口,与每组的漏斗通信的交替喷口,使得分配在 分别由相应的漏斗组接收到两个不同的进给路径的轮子,并直接转移到交替喷口中,用于填充至少两个产品,一个进入每个备用袋。 相对于双水平灌装装置,总产品的下降幅度减半,并且可以显着增加放样速度。 可以通过添加漏斗套件,不同的交替喷嘴等来提供超过两个和多个进料滴的多个产品。 公开了方法和装置。
Applicant: MARK R. NEASE
Inventor: MARK R. NEASE
IPC: B31B1/64
CPC classification number: B31B70/64 , B29C65/18 , B29C65/225 , B29C65/30 , B29C65/7885 , B29C66/1122 , B29C66/223 , B29C66/3462 , B29C66/3472 , B29C66/43 , B29C66/81427 , B29C66/81431 , B29C66/8167 , B29C66/818 , B29C66/8511 , B29C66/91423 , B29C66/9161 , B31B70/649 , B31B2160/10
Abstract: Web sealing apparatus includes a shaped sealing unit where the shape on one side of the element corresponds to a desired seal pattern in a multiple ply web and a heating element secured to another side of the sealing element, where the heating element is oriented to provide more heat energy to a portion of the sealing element corresponding to a desired seal pattern in one multiple ply portion of said web and less heat energy to a portion of the sealing element corresponding to a desired seal pattern in another portion of said web of fewer plies, The invention includes structure for adjusting the radial position of sealing units on a rotatable drum sealer. Multiple sealing units are adjustably mounted on a sealing drum or wheel for applying varied parameter seals in multiple-ply webs wrapped about said drum in contact with said sealing units. Methods are disclosed.
Abstract translation: 网状密封装置包括成形的密封单元,其中元件的一侧上的形状对应于多层织物中的期望的密封图案和固定到密封元件的另一侧的加热元件,其中加热元件被定向成提供更多的 所述密封元件的一部分的热能对应于所述纤维网的一个多层部分中的期望的密封图案,并且对所述密封元件的一部分较少的热能对应于所述幅材较少层的另一部分中的期望的密封图案, 本发明包括用于调节可旋转滚筒密封器上的密封单元的径向位置的结构。 多个密封单元可调节地安装在密封滚筒或轮上,用于在与所述密封单元接触的围绕所述滚筒缠绕的多层腹板中施加变化的参数密封。 公开了方法。
Applicant: Wickliffe Jones, deceased , Eric W. Scarpa , Joseph D. Greenwell , Mark R. Nease , Robert M. Kalany , Michael E. Myers
Inventor: Wickliffe Jones, deceased , Eric W. Scarpa , Joseph D. Greenwell , Mark R. Nease , Robert M. Kalany , Michael E. Myers
CPC classification number: B65B9/087 , B65B43/465
Abstract: A web is folded upon itself and transversely sealed. The web is cut into individual pouches which are fed into gripper units, on an endless conveyor, each having a fixed leading jaw and a movable trailing jaw which grip the leading and trailing edges of the pouches. To open a pouch, the trailing jaw is moved toward the fixed jaw by a cam and held in position by friction. Each opened pouch is carried around a filler unit where it is filled. Thereafter, a cam causes said jaws to spread apart, stretching the mouth of the pouch, where it is sealed in a heat sealer.
Abstract translation: 纸幅自身折叠并横向密封。 将卷筒纸切成单独的袋子,这些袋子被送入夹持器单元,在环形输送机上,每个袋子具有固定的前爪和可动的后爪,其夹紧袋的前缘和后缘。 为了打开小袋,尾爪通过凸轮朝向固定夹爪移动,并通过摩擦保持在适当的位置。 每个打开的小袋被装载在填充单元的周围。 此后,凸轮使所述夹爪分开,拉伸袋的口部,并将其密封在热封机中。
Applicant: MARK R. NEASE
Inventor: MARK R. NEASE
CPC classification number: B65B9/08 , B65B43/123 , B65B43/267 , B65B43/30
Abstract: Bandoliers of serially-connected four-seam pouches are received, opened and filled in continuous motion on a rotating parallel land high capacity filler wheel with a tucker finger engaging the bottom seam of each pouch to facilitate the opening process, and where the pouches are held solely by the lands without other pouch engaging or holding clips or other structures.
Abstract translation: 串联连接的四缝袋的带轮被接收,打开并且在旋转的平行陆面高容量填充轮上连续运动,具有接合每个袋的底部接缝的折回手指以促进打开过程,并且其中保持袋 仅通过没有其他小袋接合或夹持夹子或其他结构的土地。
Applicant: Mark R. Nease , Robert M. Kalany , Michael E. Myers
Inventor: Mark R. Nease , Robert M. Kalany , Michael E. Myers
IPC: B65B57/02
CPC classification number: B65B57/02 , Y10T83/343 , Y10T83/4615
Abstract: A web of pouches is fed past a detector. Inflating mechanism inflates individual pouches to create individual profiles. The detector responds to the appearance of a preselected distance between the surface of the pouch and the detector as each pouch passes the detector.
Abstract translation: 一个小袋的网络通过检测器。 充气机构使各个袋子膨胀,形成个人型材。 当每个袋通过检测器时,检测器响应于袋的表面和检测器之间的预选距离的外观。