Once a purchaser has proceeded through a check out experience with an online retail system, the settings established during that checkout experience will be applied to future checkout experiences by that purchaser. By capturing and thereafter using checkout settings in this manner, a purchaser can proceed from a shopping cart directly to a checkout review page with the checkout review page being pre-populated with such prior established settings. Furthermore, the methodology allows the purchaser to have a virtually unlimited number of goods in their shopping cart and to have multiple different types of order fulfillment options (e.g., shipping, store pickup, delivery to an organization, etc.) automatically established for those goods.
A system and method for allowing a user to schedule pickup of an ordered item provides a user interface having user interface elements for allowing a user to specify a frequency with which an order is it to be picked up, for informing a user as to availability of the item for pickup, and/or for allowing a user to request that an item be held in reserve for pickup within a given period of time, such as 24 hours. Frequency options provided to the user for selection when scheduling an order for pickup may include a one-time frequency, a daily frequency, a weekly frequency, a monthly frequency, and user specified dates. The information as to availability of the item for pickup is determined considering a time of order and real-time stocking information for the item.
A pay-per-use computer, or other electronic device that uses local security, may use a security module or other circuit for monitoring and enforcement of a usage policy. To help prevent physical attacks on the security module, or the circuit board near the security module, a second circuit may be mounted over the security module to help prevent access to the security module. Both circuits may be mounted on a interposer and the interposer mounted to the circuit board, creating a stack including the first circuit, the interposer, the security module, and a main PC board. When the PC board includes dense signal traces under the security module a three dimensional envelope is created around the security module. When the first circuit is a high value circuit, such as a Northbridge, the risk/reward of attacking the security module is increased substantially and may deter all but the most determined hackers.
The rewind arbiter system provides a system and method for arbitrating a device. Briefly described, one embodiment comprises a plurality of controlled devices configured to access a shared component and a rewind arbiter configured to arbitrate among a plurality of requests received from the controlled devices, wherein one of the controlled devices communicating a request that is selected during arbitration is then granted access to the shared component. The rewind arbiter further comprising; an arbitration scheme configured to grant arbitrated requests to the controlled devices, a verification scheme configured to verify that the controlled device successfully completes communication with the shared component, and a rewind scheme configured to cause the arbitration scheme to rewind back to the controlled device that has failed to successfully complete communication with the shared component such that the failed control device is granted a second arbitrated request.