A combination lock of the type adapted for changing of the combination by a change key, a lock case housing, a stack of a plurality of tumbler wheels loosely journaled on a tumbler post for rotation about its axis and each including an annular outer rim portion and an inner annular hub portion having teeth releasably intercoupling the hub portion and rim portion at any of a plurality of relative angular positions. The rim portions of the tumbler wheels have specially shaped peripheral gates to receive confronting portions of a fence on the fence lever when the tumbler wheels are properly aligned. The tumbler post is supported within the tumbler wheel hub portions for nonrotatable axial movement to shift the hub portions axially relative to the outer rim portions between coupled and decoupled relation. An actuator is activated by rotation of the change key for axially moving the tumbler post and the tumbler wheel hub portions to shift the hub portions to decoupled relation for combination change and a secondary change fence member is slidable rectilinearly into inserted relation in the tumbler wheel gates and retractable therefrom upon movement the of the actuator to selectively hold the rim portion against rotation.
A key operated rotary plug cylinder lock having rotary disk tumblers arranged in a pack within a rotary plug sleeve normally held against rotation within the lock casing by a locking bar which spans the shear line between the disk tumbler peripheries and the confronting wall of the rotary plug sleeve. True gates are provided in the tumblers to be aligned by an appropriate key with the locking bar to accommodate inward movement of the locking bar to a position releasing the plug for rotation within the casing, and shallower depth false gates are provided in each of the tumblers having associated false bottom recess portions in the front and rear walls of the tumblers providing forward and rearward false gate profiles or outlines simulating the profile of the true gate. Frangible tabs are also provided on each tumbler extending into a sector recess which will readily break upon excess torquing forces to prevent penetration of the lock by torquing tools.
A combination lock dial and ring assembly for combination locks and the like for limited range top reading of the dial indicia by reflected light rays only, including a rotatable dial member having a circular dial portion and a knob formation projecting forwardly therefrom wherein the dial portion has a rearwardly facing annular indicia bearing surface adjacent its periphery provided with rearwardly facing dial graduations and mirror image reversed dial numerals thereon for reading along reflected light ray paths. The dial ring has a forwardly facing dial receiving cavity encircled by an integral shielding surround ring formation over a sufficient extent to exclude observation of the dial graduations and numerals laterally and below the dial portion and having an interruption of limited circumferential extent providing a sight opening for observation of the dial graduations and numerals in a restricted observation zone generally above and vertically aligned with the axis of the dial member. The surface of the dial receiving cavity rearwardly adjacent the dial has an arcuate light-reflecting mirror surface at least spanning the arcuate extent of said sight opening positioned to reflect light rays from said dial graduations and numerals along reflection ray paths extending along upwardly and forwardly inclined paths to the restricted observation zone.
A combination lock of the type adapted for changing of the combination by a change key, a lock case housing, a stack of a plurality of tumbler wheels loosely journaled on a tumbler post for rotation about its axis and each including an annular outer rim portion and an inner annular hub portion having teeth releasably intercoupling the hub portion and rim portion at any of a plurality of relative angular positions. The rim portions of the tumbler wheels have specially shaped peripheral gates to receive confronting portions of a fence on the fence lever when the tumbler wheels are properly aligned. The tumbler post is supported within the tumbler wheel hub portions for nonrotatable axial movement to shift the hub portions axially relative to the outer rim portions between coupled and decoupled relation. An actuator is activated by rotation of the change key for axially moving the tumbler post and the tumbler wheel hub portions to shift the hub portions to decoupled relation for combination change and a secondary change fence member is moveable into inserted relation in the tumbler wheel gates and retractable therefrom upon movement the of the actuator to selectively hold the rim portion against rotation.
A portable gas hand torch igniter and burner assembly of the piezoelectric-type to be assembled onto a portable pressurized gas fuel cylinder which includes a handgrip housing body having an internal cavity gas conduit network, and an elongated burn tube having a venturi portion at its inlet end and an end-tapered orifice cylinder removably mounted in the venturi portion. A gas pressure regulator valve mechanism maintains a substantially constant predetermined gas supply pressure level at the inlet portion of said gas conduit network and a control valve associated with a push button normally closes the conduit network against passage of gas to the burn tube. A piezoelectric igniter in said housing body is actuated by inward depression of the push button to open the control valve to admit gas to the burn tube and generate a spark-producing voltage a predetermined short interval after opening of the control valve to produce a spark within the burn tube.
A combination lock for bank vaults, safes and the like, including a pack of peripherally gated tumbler wheels loosely journaled for rotation on a tumbler post about a common axis in the lock case, a peripherally gated rotatable driving cam positioned by a manually operable dial and knob member to angularly adjust the tumbler wheels through a lost motion coupling to an opening combination for the lock, and a fence lever having a pivot connection at one end to a slidable bolt for movement arcuately between raised and lowered positions relative to the peripheries of the driving cam and tumblers. The fence lever has an upwardly arching body and a fence portion defining a foot formation projecting from the arched portion having a downwardly facing recess spanning most of its lower end portion and an elongated unitary contact bar member pivotally seated therein to normally bear on the driving cam periphery.