An Extended Input/output (I/O) measurement block facility is emulated. The facility provides for the collection of relevant I/O measurement data, and the storing for later efficient retrieval of that data in an extended measurement block. The stored data relates to the performance of an I/O subchannel.
I/O measurement data for channels attached to logical control unit queues is obtained related to a plurality of logical control unit queues. A store secondary queue measurement data instruction specifies a range of queues for which extended secondary measurement blocks derived from the I/O measurement data are stored at a memory address specified by the store secondary queue measurement data instruction.
I/O measurement data associated with the performance of an I/O operation process is gathered during the I/O process. The I/O measurement data is saved in an IRB memory location specified by a test subchannel instruction. An I/O interrupt signals the completion of the I/O operation process.
Abstract translation:在I / O过程中收集与执行I / O操作过程相关联的I / O测量数据。 I / O测量数据保存在由测试子通道指令指定的IRB存储单元中。 I / O中断指示完成I / O操作过程。
I/O measurement data for channels attached to logical control unit queues is obtained related to a plurality of logical control unit queues. A store secondary queue measurement data instruction specifies a range of queues for which extended secondary measurement blocks derived from the I/O measurement data are stored at a memory address specified by the store secondary queue measurement data instruction.
An Extended Input/output (I/O) measurement word facility is provided. Provision is made for emulation of the Extended I/O measurement word facility. The facility provides for storing measurement data associated with a single I/O operation in an extended measurement word associated with an I/O response block. In a further aspect, the stored data may have a resolution of approximately one-half microsecond.
I/O measurement data associated with the performance of an I/O operation process is gathered during the I/O process. The I/O measurement data is saved in an IRB memory location specified by a test subchannel instruction. An I/O interrupt signals the completion of the I/O operation process.
Abstract translation:在I / O过程中收集与执行I / O操作过程相关联的I / O测量数据。 I / O测量数据保存在由测试子通道指令指定的IRB存储单元中。 I / O中断指示完成I / O操作过程。
An Input/output (I/O) measurement block facility is provided that creates subchannel measurement blocks (comprising device busy values) related to performance of an I/O operation of a subchannel, wherein a device busy time value is a sum of time intervals when the subchannel is device busy during an attempt to initiate any one of a start function or a resume function at the subchannel.